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XLingPaper is a way to author and archive linguistic papers or books using XML. Many of us prefer writing XLingPaper files with the XMLmind XML Editor. It makes writing XML much easier than other XML-oriented editors we've used.
This project contains not only the XLingPaper files, but also the configuration files for using XLingPaper with the XMLmind XML Editor.
The listed interface languages are for the XMLmind XML Editor. The XLingPaper-specific dialogs and prompts are available in English, Spanish, and French. (For the latter two, we...
Asheninka (a Syllable Parser) is a tool to explore using several different algorithms for parsing orthographic words into syllables. It can also insert discretionary hyphens in words. It is designed to work with any language whose orthography is roman-based. Word lists can come from Paratext or FLEx.
The TonePars program augments the AMPLE morphological parser program to allow for modeling an autosegmental approach to tone.
For more information, use this contact.
PhoneBox is designed to support the analysis of language data that has been collected using The Field Linguist's Toolbox.
With PhoneBox you can
- use phonetic data collected with Toolbox, without any import or conversion.
- generate a table of all phones in the data (phone inventory), and of how often they occur (frequency count).
- generate environment charts of all phones in the data.
- mark phones as uncertain in the data ...
Optimality Theory Software (OTSoft) - Rank constraints in Optimality Theory using a variety of algorithms.
OTSoft is a Windows program meant to facilitate analysis in Optimality Theory by using algorithms to do tasks that are too large or complex to be done reliably by hand. It is also meant to save time and effort, particularly in word-processing.
Use a computer to implement and check solutions to classical paradigm-based phonology problems.
From the website referenced below:
Phonology Pad is a program written for use in Linguistics 120A, "Phonology I", in the Department of Linguistics at UCLA.
PhonologyPad is a program that lets you do classical phonology problems (with paradigms, underlying forms, and ordered rules). It never tells you the answer to a problem, but it always checks your answer for accuracy, and it often points out problems with your answer that need to be fixed.
This keyboard works well and is well documented. It allows you to type IPA in unicode (rather than in one of the outdated encodings), which means that you can type IPA into nearly any modern program that supports unicode. It is set up to not interfere too much with typing regular text, since with unicode it is no longer necessary to switch back and forth between encodings/fonts/keyboards.
Taken from their website:
TshwaneLex is a professional, feature-rich, fully internationalised, off-the-shelf software application suite for compiling dictionaries or terminology lists. It has been adopted by many major publishers, government organisations and individuals across the world, as it delivers excellent ROI.
TshwaneLex contains many specialized features that allow you to dramatically reduce dictionary production time and increase the quality and consistency of your dictionaries (from single-user projects to large teams). These include an integrated Corpus Query...
PhonWrite is a program to assist in the writing of a phonological description. Please address questions, suggestions and bug reports to the author.
This program allows the user to perform various kinds phonetic studies (e.g., spectral, pitch, or formant analysis; segmenting and labeling of a sound file; speech synthesis; perform listening experiments; perform statistical analyses, etc.). For more detailed information, please visit the website.