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Cog or WordSurv?

avril 24, 2018
--Doug Higby I was wondering what the difference was between Cog and WordSurv recently.  Damien Daspit, creator of Cog, provided this explanation: Cog and WordSurv Cog focuses on automatic comparison and analysis of word lists. Cog does not maintain all of the survey metadata or support manual decisions like WordSurv. Using Cog with WordSurv When Cog is more fully developed and WordSurv is correspondingly updated, Cog and WordSurv would be used as together as complimentary software, interacting with import and export... Read more...

FLExTrans 1.5 Released - Using the Windows 10 Linux subsystem now provides easy one button-push functionality

janvier 17, 2018
--Ron Lockwood FLExTrans, the new tool to do rule-based machine translation between related languages is now more efficient than ever. Prior to version 1.4 a Linux virtual machine needed to be installed to run the transfer component. Now the transfer piece that calls Apertium Linux commands can be run seamlessly in FLExTrans by using the Ubuntu Linux subsystem built into Windows 10. With one button-push, you can run the whole FLExTrans machine translation process. Also new in version 1.5 is a new tool to give a friendly... Read more...

Taming the data-hungry Translator’s Workplace Logos edition

octobre 17, 2018
--Doug Higby When installing translators workplace Logos edition in an area with poor Internet, the experience can be very frustrating. That activation process itself may consume 20 or 30 MB of data, but once that is done, there is no need to stay online for the downloading of gigabytes of data. We are going to show you how to install and use Logos with very little bandwidth consumption. There is a way to activate Logos off-line using a temporary key that can be supplied by the SIL translation department in Dallas,... Read more...

LingTranSoft website updated

juillet 12, 2016
--Doug Higby We are excited to launch the new LingTranSoft website, and this time we hope it is more user friendly than the last one. Single sign-on was a priority, and if you have a gmail account, you can quickly register and you won’t have another password to remember. Of course, if you do have your old password, it will still work, but I’d recommend logging on with a Google account if you can. What’s new on LingTranSoft?
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