Version 3.12.0 / 2.42.0 Released

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XLingPaper version 3.12.0 (for the XMLmind XML Editor version 7.2+ or 8.2+) and version 2.42.0 (for the XMLmind XML Editor version 5.3) are now available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. Note: for Mac users upgrading to this version from versions before 3.7.5, please see:
  1. Using a new version of XeLaTeX; and
  2. Some changes you may need to make in your documents.
This new version of XLingPaper has a number of improvements and bug fixes. The main highlights are:
  • Enable control of the right indent of a block quote via a publisher style sheet.
  • Enable control of adding a page column header for the table of contents via a publisher style sheet.
  • Enable control of using a table column header for the list of tables via a publisher style sheet.
  • Enable control of using a figure column header for the list of figures via a publisher style sheet.
  • Enable default opening parenthesis location for citation elements (before the name or before the date) via a publisher style sheet.
  • Enable ignoring all location elements in references via a publisher style sheet.
  • Add date, url, and date accessed items for publisher style sheets and references style sheets.
  • Add reference publisher style sheets for:
    • APA
    • Chicago Manual of Style
    • Haspelmath
    • LSA
  • Add volume element for books. It can be used to indicate where a volume begins in the table of contents.
If you have not previously installed XLingPaper, you can obtain an installation program for Windows, Mac or Linux at If you have already installed XLingPaper version 2.10.0 or higher and merely want to upgrade, then you will need to download and install the XLingPaper update file. See Be careful to get the installer for the version of the XMLmind XML Editor you are using (it is possible to install both, if you wish). If you have modified any of the stock publisher style sheets, please be sure to make a backup of your work before running this installer. It may overwrite your modifications. The recent changes are: 3.12.0 3 November 2022
  • Fix bug in glossary terms output: it included any glossary term that was referenced in a term definition even if that term was never cited in the main document. We now also include all terms referred to in definitions that were cited.
  • Improve section 11.27 of the user documentation to refer to section 1.3 which talks about setting up language data.
  • When using content control, an excluded table could be displayed incorrectly in XXE.
  • Enable control of the right indent of a block quote via a publisher style sheet.
  • Enable control of adding a page column header for the table of contents via a publisher style sheet.
  • Enable control of using a table column header for the list of tables via a publisher style sheet.
  • Enable control of using a figure column header for the list of figures via a publisher style sheet.
  • Enable default opening parenthesis location for citation elements (before the name or before the date) via a publisher style sheet.
  • Enable ignoring all location elements in references via a publisher style sheet.
  • Add date, url, and date accessed items for publisher style sheets and references style sheets.
  • Improve use of some abbreviations in user documentation.
  • Add reference publisher style sheets for:
    • APA
    • Chicago Manual of Style
    • Haspelmath
    • LSA
  • Improve SIL-UND references publisher style sheet.
  • Make Sample Paper and Sample Book publisher style sheets use the LSA references publisher style sheet.
  • Enable a td element to contain an interlinearRef element.
  • Improve sample book and paper style sheets.
  • In the documentation, clarify the usage of a bVol element when there is a series for a paper in a collection and for a proceedings volume.
  • Add volume element for books. It can be used to indicate where a volume begins in the table of contents.
  • Improve interlinear line spacing in sample book and paper publisher style sheets.
  • Fix bug: when using referenced interlinear texts, some citations from endnotes in an interlinear in a referenced text that was never referenced in the main body could be included in the references even though it was not cited elsewhere. Also improved the speed of processing a document containing referenced interlinear texts.
  • Fix bug: the references title was shown even when there were no references cited in XSL-FO-based output and for non-style sheet web page output.
  • Fix bug: if a refTitle contained a citation but the document did not have any other citation elements, then an empty References section was output. References were also shown in the table of contents.
  • Fix bug: for the non-style sheet outputs, the content of any publishingBlurb was output at the end of the document as well as at the beginning. For web page output, it was only output at the end.
  • For the default way of producing PDF (via XeLaTeX):
    • Fix bug: for the non-style sheet output, if a publishingBlurb began with a br element, the PDF would fail to be produced.
    • Fix bug: vertically centering a publisher style sheet part, chapter, or appendix failed to work.
  • For web page output:
    • Fix bug: when a style sheet had the initial indent of a hanging indent set to 0, the hanging indent paragraph did not have an indent.
    • Fix bug: when using a style sheet, if a front matter text item contained just a comment, all the following material could end up be centered.