Version 3.8.0 / 2.38.0 Released

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XLingPaper version 3.8.0 (for the XMLmind XML Editor version 7.2+ or 8.2+) and version 2.38.0 (for the XMLmind XML Editor version 5.3) are now available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. Note: for Mac users upgrading to this version from versions before 3.7.5, please see:
  1. Using a new version of XeLaTeX; and
  2. Some changes you may need to make in your documents.
This new version of XLingPaper has a number of improvements and bug fixes.The main highlights are:
  • Add a way to use content control to have only certain lines in an interlinear-text be output.
  • Some improvements to index handling
  • Allow XLingPaper to work on Mac OS X 10.15+ (Catalina).
  • Allow XLingPaper to use Charis SIL version 5.000 with graphite and font features.
  • Add a way to save a publisher style sheet and all its pieces to a new location. See section 8.14 “Save a publisher style sheet and all its parts to a new location” in the publisher style sheet documentation.
  • Add a way to use content control to have only certain lines in an interlinear-text be output.
  • Add ability to control what text occurs between consecutive footnote numbers in text via a publisher style sheet (using the contentBetweenMultipleFootnoteNumbersInText attribute on the pageLayout element).
If you have not previously installed XLingPaper, you can obtain an installation program for Windows, Mac or Linux at you have already installed XLingPaper version 2.10.0 or higher and merely want to upgrade, then you will need to download and install the XLingPaper update file. See Be careful to get the installer for the version of the XMLmind XML Editor you are using (it is possible to install both, if you wish). If you have modified any of the stock publisher style sheets, please be sure to make a backup of your work before running this installer. It may overwrite your modifications. The recent changes are:
  • 3.8.0 9 November 2020
    • Enable annotationRef elements to be under content control.
    • Add a way to use content control to have only certain lines in an interlinear-text be output.
    • Add a way to save a publisher style sheet and all its pieces to a new location. See section 8.14 “Save a publisher style sheet and all its parts to a new location” in the publisher style sheet documentation.
    • Add ability for the annotation attribute of an annotationRef element to refer to more than one annotationType.
    • Implement the linebefore attribute of a publisher style sheet for front and back matter.
    • Add the spacebetweentextandline attribute to the footnoteLine element in a publisher style sheet. It specifies the amount of vertical space between the text and any footnote line.
    • Add the italicizeetal attribute to the citationLayout element in a publisher style sheet. It makes any instance of ‘et al.’ in a citation name come out in italics.
    • Add the textBeforeSeeAlso attribute to the indexLayout element to control what comes between the last page number and any ‘see’ or ‘see also’ items.
    • Add ability to control what text, if any, comes after an index term in the index output via the (new) textafterterm attribute of the indexLayout element in a publisher style sheet. Also, fix an inconsistency: the default XeLaTeX PDF used to use a comma after a term while the other outputs did not. Now all outputs show a space after the term unless this new attribute is set to something (like a comma). In addition, when outputting a “see” index item, there is now always a comma before the “see”.
    • Add ability to use XLingPaper-specific TeX Live 2020 files (for Windows and Linux).
    • Add ability to control what text occurs between consecutive footnote numbers in text via a publisher style sheet (using the contentBetweenMultipleFootnoteNumbersInText attribute on the pageLayout element).
    • Add doi formatting to SIL-UND references style sheets.
    • In the user documentation, add use of Google Drive as a way to collaboratively comment on a PDF file.
    • Fix broken link in publisher style sheet documentation, section 7.1.
    • Update XLingPaper URL in metadata and also version number.
    • Add sample paper and book publisher style sheets that contain all possibilities as a reference or starting point.
    • Fix bug: the format and restartCount attributes of the pageNumber element in a publisher style sheet were never implemented.
    • Fix bug in create zip file command which could cause it to fail.
    • Fix bug: when using the seeDefinition elements for an index, the content of the elements would appear at the end of the output.
    • For the default way of producing PDF (via XeLaTeX):
      • Improve documentation on the row-separation XeLaTeXSpecial attribute value.
      • Add warning to Schematron checks for image files containing two spaces in a row. XeLaTeX cannot process them.
      • Add ability to make definition list items format as ragged right via a useRaggedRight attribute on a new definitionListLayout element in a publisher style sheet.
      • Add a XeLaTeXSpecial attribute value of ‘contentsbreak’ to force a page break in the automatically generated table of contents.
      • Allow use of TeX Live 2020 versions of XeLaTeX and LaTeX macros. This is especially needed for Mac OS X Catalina and higher.
      • Allow img elements to have a XeLaTeXSpecial value of width=’xyz’; the image will be formatted to scale to that width. (TeX Live 2020 XeLaTeX ignores the scaled option.
      • Allow img elements to default to using the width of an example, figure, or chart via the useImageWidthSetToWidthOfExampleFigureOrChart attribute on the lingPaper element.
      • Allow font-related elements to have a XeLaTeXSpecial attribute value of Script=’Arabic’ as well as script=’arab’. (TeX Live 2020 does not recognize script=’arab’; actually, it causes the PDF to fail to be produced.)
      • Fix bug: when not using single spacing and not using endnotes i.e., using footnotes) and when footnotes are not single spaced, if one also set the footnoteIndent value, that value was ignored.
      • Fix bug: if a p element immediately followed a dl element, the paragraph would not be indented.
      • Fix bug: if a listWord contained an endnote with a listWord in it, the PDF failed to be produced.
      • Fix bug: when using an annotationRef in a document without an associated publisher style sheet, the formatting after the annotationRef would be indented.
      • Fix bug: Using text-transform on a section level item could cause it to format incorrectly.
      • Fix bug: for a document without a style sheet, if an img occurred in a figure, the PDF could fail to be produced.
      • Fix bug: header/footer content could be wrong when using chapterInCollectionAuthor.
      • Fix bug: using a word description for font-size (like ‘smaller’) for a footer/header item could cause the PDF to fail to be produced.
      • Fix bug: when using framed units and double spacing, a table within a framed unit could cause the PDF to not be produced.
      • Fix bug: using a number in a font feature caused PDF to fail.
      • Fix bug: a genericRef in a dt element would cause the PDF to fail to be produced.
      • Add a check for using PDF files which are newer than version 1.5. (XeLaTeX will not process newer PDFs.)
    • For the web page output using a publisher style sheet:
      • Fix bug: if the date element is formatted as being centered and there is nothing in the date element, then all following materials were centered.
      • Fix bug: when an example has an exampleHeading and listDefinition elements, the listDefinition elements were not output.
    • Converting Zotero references file to XLingPaper format:
      • Fix bug: jPages could end up being just a dash.
      • Fix bug: location and publisher can be in another spot for a web page.