Summary: Epub3 output, Implement MySword conversion on Linux
Detail Issues
- Epub3
- TD-4054 Create XSLT to transform Dictionore to (x)html5
- TD-4057 Modify the package declaration for epub3
- TD-4058 Produce epub3 complaint package
- TD-4059 For dictionary, only letter heads in spine
- TD-4060 Scripture TOC and Landmarks
- TD-4061 create epub3 destination
- TD-4063 Add Epub2 and Epub3 sub folders with files.
- TD-4064 Export Epub3 output
- TD-4065 Create Dialog screen with four options (Epub2,Epub3,Folder,Cancel)
- TD-4066 Implement dialog result for Epub options
- TD-4067 Create dialog for Validation with four options(Epub2,Epub3,Both,Neither)
- TD-4068 Implement dialog result for Epub Validations
- TD-4069 Create RAMP for Epub3
- TD-4070 Create Meta-inf file for Epub3
- TD-4071 Create content opf file for epub3
- TD-4074 Attach Epub3 Xslt transform
- TD-4075 Epub Navigation (ncx shows PartFile instead of Letter)
- TD-4079 Semi colon in epub2 and epub3
- TD-4081 Error dialog is shown for epub2 and epub3
- TD-4083 Wrong Indent for srcSection and IntroListitem
- TD-4085 Reversal TOC produced wrongly
- TD-4086 Scripture TOC not working in Azardi
- TD-4088 Create Html5 folder and copy .html files
- TD-4092 Validation error in windows
- TD-4093 Validation error in Ubuntu
- TD-4094 Duplicate Bookname in TOC
- TD-4095 Validate epub file dialog is not needed
- TD-4096 TOC is created always
- TD-4097 Title page image should be in bottom of the page.
- TD-4098 Space in square brackets
- TD-4100 Directory and File tree structure wrongly creating
- TD-4103 None of the reversal content appears in Html5
- TD-4104 Research to validate html5 files
- TD-4110 Remove validation dialog
- TD-4111 No space between chapter number
- Removed 2.0 from epub references
- General
- TD-4011 Text overlaps with Picture in PDF
- TD-4030 Texts goes beyond the margin in Prince pdf
- TD-4044 Picture, texts merges in Prince PDF output
- TD-4049 Custom style sheet fails after second export
- Open Office Writer
- TD-4004 Last page of a book sometimes has wrong spanning header
- TD-4008 Variant form should not be bolded
- TD-4019 Page number missing sometimes when set as “Bottom center”
- TD-4022 Half size verse number when using custom style sheet.
- TD-4036 “Every Page” header not working in Scripture
- TD-4048 Dictionary Entry content missing in entry with pictures
- TD-4113 Adding space after proper name
- Smart Device
- TD-3958, TD-4108 Add MySword conversion (remove dependency)
- TD-4024 Scripture name appears at top of left corner in the Ebook output file.
- TD-4025 Chapter number link doesn’t work it in EBook output file.
- TD-4029 refactor epub conversion
- TD-4040 Link letters fail if set to “At end of Document”
- User Interface
- TD-3974 Third Table of Contents option not displayed correctly
- TD-4020 Text doesnot appear clearly on reset dialog box
- TD-4026 Crash when entering any characters for Send button
- TD-4027 Warning prevents navigation
- TD-4032 Shortcut key is not properly working
- TD-4033 Header Menu button Help not showing the text properly
- TD-4034 Scroll bar is appears in the Navigation Pane
- TD-4035 Custom Sheet doesn’t have default values
- TD-4039 Replace Ubuntu help browser with xchm
- TD-4041 Selected item doesn’t save in single field.
- TD-4042 Letter “T” is missing from “Fixed Line Height” label
- TD-4050 Preview button should be disable for web output
- TD-4105 Incomplete checkbox captions
- TD-4112 Clicking link sends text to wrong position
- Updated the SIL logo
- XeTeX
- TD-3196 Error on Paratext when exporting as Xelatex
- TD-4001 Output has boxes in reversal
- TD-4028 Round Bullet produces Unicode Character
- TD-4037 Book name doesn’t appear fully on header.
- TD-4038 TOC page doesnot have index