WeSay is available for older versions of the Linux Ubuntu distribution, Lucid being the most recent. There are two releases available, wesay-stable and wesay. The wesay release is our development release that has our latest features, but may have more issues as we are actively working on it. wesay-stable will have less features, but may be more reliable.
Before you use it, you need to know that there are some features in the Windows version that are not present in the Linux version! So be sure to check out our “WeSay Known Issues” below before you start.
WeSay Linux Install
We are currently preparing WeSay 1.1 packages for Ubuntu. Until then there are no packages available for that version.
Installing WeSay on Ubuntu Linux (Lucid) – Long Term Stable Release
1. Add the following lines to /etc/apt/sources.list
deb http://packages.sil.org/ubuntu lucid main
deb http://packages.palaso.org/ubuntu lucid main
deb-src http://packages.palaso.org/ubuntu lucid main
2. Add the repository security key
wget http://packages.palaso.org/ubuntu/palaso_pub.key -O- | sudo apt-key add –
3. Update your package list
sudo apt-get update
4. Install WeSay
sudo apt-get install wesay
This will install menu items under Application | Office
WeSay Linux Known Issues
There are some issues with WeSay on Linux. You can see a full list of known issues here.
Major Features Not Working
The following major features present in the Windows version of WeSay are not yet working on WeSay for Linux.
- Display of Non-Roman scripts.
- Audio recording.
- Dictionary preview direct to pdf (Though print direct to OpenOffice is available).
- There are issues with copy and paste for characters outside the ascii range.
- Release beta packages for WeSay 1.1
- Fix some of the Linux specific bugs listed in the WeSay bug tracker.
- Add audio support
- Add support for non roman scripts via Pango / Graphite
- Select System | Preferences | Preferred Applications
- Choose you preferred mail reader from the Mail Reader section of the Internet tab.