Version 2.18.0 Released

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The main highlights are:

  • Improved the default PDF output: added a way to hyphenate based on the language of the document. See section 11.39 “Get the default PDF output to hyphenate for a non-English language” in the User Documentation. Note that this requires you to use the XeLaTeX Upgrade.
  • Added referencedInterlinearTexts and referencedInterlinearText elements. The latter refers to a file containing an interlinear-text element so one can copy in referenced interlinear elements from the text and also use interlinearRef and interlinearRefCitatation elements referring to that text. The text itself is not printed in the output, but the interlinear source citation is a link to that interlinear element within the file containing its interlinear-text.
  • Added a counter element that can go in a td element so one can automatically number rows in a data display table (such as for an in-class handout, a poster session, or a textbook).
  • Added publisher style sheet for SIL UND Work papers.

The recent changes are:

  • 2.18.0 4 January 2012
    • Made the ‘Convert any abbreviations in gloss to abbrRefs’ command work when an abbreviation in the gloss element is ended by a space or a non-breaking space character.
    • Added fontissmallcaps attribute to the abbreviations element to control whether or not the ‘Convert any abbreviations in gloss to abbrRefs’ command will find upper-case abbreviations in a gloss when the abbreviation themselves are all lower-case.
    • Fixed a bug where within an example using an interlinearRef element, the reference to the interlinear within the interlinear-text did not format per the interlinearSourceStyle element of the publisher style sheet.
    • Fixed a bug where ISO codes were not showing in example elements that used an interlinearRef element.
    • Fixed a bug for the web page outputs: when there is a referenced interlinear text, the reference link used .pdf as the file extension instead of .htm.
    • Fixed a bug where the first footnote in a referenced interlinear text would start numbering at one.
    • Fixed an inconsistency where the ISO codes were formatted using a wider width in list elements when the various list elements had different ISO codes. When all list elements had the same ISO code, the width used for the ISO code was smaller (and the same as a non-list example). Made them all the same width.
    • For the default way of producing PDF (via XeLaTeX):
      • Added a way to tell XeLaTeX to hyphenate based on the language of the document (which can be labeled as being something other than English).
      • Refine how handle basic point size that is not 10, 11, or 12pt when using a publisher style sheet.
      • Fixed alignment of table in an example when there ISO codes were shown.
      • Fixed alignment of some interlinears with example headings when ISO codes were shown.
      • Fixed alignment of some list interlinears with example headings when ISO codes were shown.
      • Made (XeLaTeX style sheet) output correctly handle endnotes embedded within an interlinear referred to by an example interlinearRef. Therefore, you no longer need to copy interlinears when they have embedded endnotes.
      • Provide a way to control the amount of spacing between aligned words in an interlinear.
      • Enable XeLaTeXSpecial attribute value of ‘pagebreak’ for figure and tablenumbered elements.
      • Fix bug: using a gloss element in a non-iterlinear environment (such as within a paragraph) could cause following material to use the font-family of the gloss.
      • Fix bug: sometimes numbered tables would be single spaced even when the document was double spaced.
      • Improve performance of producing the PDF process.
      • Add a way to produce strike-through (aka line-through).
      • Add an ability to link to a hyphenation exceptions file so the hyphenation process will pay attention to the exceptions in that file.
      • Fix a bug which made the width of the content of a long listSingle be too narrow.
      • Fix a bug which made the width of an image in an example be wrong.
      • Fix a bug where the PDF file would be produced but would not show in the PDF viewer when the file name contained square brackets.
      • Add XeLaTeXSpecial attribute value of ‘valign-fixup’ to user documentation.
      • Fixed a bug where endnotes in table captions would not appear on the page.
      • Fixed a bug where the font information for the headerFooterPageStyles element was ignored in headers and footers.
      • Allow a way to specify special spacing when have a sequence of many examples in a row.
    • RenderX way of producing PDF:
      • Fix bug: if a publisher style sheet used non-odd/even pages, the pages still came out odd/even.
      • Fix a bug which failed to record location of footnotes so if one referred to a footnote, the link did not work.
      • Fix bugs when a publisher style sheet was *not* used, having a section title include an endnote:
        • could cause the PDF not to be produced;
        • showing the contents would give two copies of the same endnote.
    • Publisher style sheet:
      • Add ability to control initial indent for lists.
      • Enabled page header/footer slot to have more than one kind of item.
      • Enabled page header/footer page layout to include a horizontal alignment attribute.
      • Added paperPublishingBlurb to kinds of header/footer items.
      • Added authorContactInfo layout elements (for contact name, affiliation, address, phone, email, and electronic contact).
    • Web page with publisher style sheet:
      • Fix bug: exampleHeading elements were not always rendered properly.
    • Added an attribute to appendix in order to have the entire appendix be in landscape mode (showinlandscapemode). Does not work for the RenderX way of producing PDF.
    • Make the dissertationLabelItem and thesisLabelItem elements have a label attribute you can use to set the label (e.g. ‘dissertation’ instead of the default ‘Ph.D. dissertation’ and ‘master’s thesis’ instead of the default ‘M.A. thesis’)
    • Previously, one could put an exampleHeading element anywhere within an interlinear. Fixed it so it could only appear at the beginning.
    • Added an element template for inserting a listInterlinear that consists just of an interlinearRef as an option when adding a new listInterlinear to an example containing other kinds of listInterlinears.
    • Fixed the ‘Oh, dear!’ report so that it will show the file name.
    • Added an integrity check for when a <br/> element is used within a <line> element in an interlinear. Doing this will probably not produce the default PDF. Use a chart or a table instead.
    • Improved how publishingInfo and publishingBlurb are shown in XXE.
    • When an interlinear text comes from FLEx, fixed the interlinear “segment” numbering to use the same number as in FLEx.
    • Added referencedInterlinearTexts and referencedInterlinearText elements. The latter refers to a file containing an interlinear-text element so one can copy in referenced interlinear elements from the text and also use interlinearRef and interlinearRefCitatation elements referring to that text. The text itself is not printed in the output, but the interlinear source citation is a link to that interlinear element within the file containing its interlinear-text.
    • Made endnotes in author elements use symbols instead of numbers in a consistent way across all output formats.
    • Added author contact information (for contact name, affiliation, address, phone, email, and electronic contact).
    • Added a publishingInfo element (with a starting page number attribute) and also a publishingBlurb element. The latter can be used for including publishing information like copyright, links to online versions of the paper, etc.
    • Added publisher style sheet for SIL UND Work papers
    • Fix Schematron method of fixing embedded langData within LangData, gloss within gloss, link within link.
    • Make integrity checking for publisher style sheets work for when the publisher style sheet is within a full document.
    • Add showlivalue attribute to genericRef element. It provides a way to show and control a reference to an li element within an ol element.
    • Have the ‘Convert any abbreviations in gloss to abbrRefs’ command not be available when one should really use the ‘Convert interlinear line to wrd elements’ command.
    • Added a counter element that can go in a td element so one can automatically number rows in a data display table (such as for an in-class handout, a poster session, or a textbook).
    • Add externalID attribute to langData, gloss, interlinear, listInterlinear, free, interlinear-text, textTitle, source, and genre elements. It provides a place to indicate one or more external identifiers which can be used to indicate where a particular piece of data comes from (and to process it potentially).