Version 2.28.0 Released

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XLingPaper version 2.28.0 is now available for Windows, Mac, and Linux.

(Mac users: please do not upgrade to El Capitan yet. We are working on a solution for why it does not work correctly with XLingPaper.)

This new version of XLingPaper has a number of improvements and bug fixes.

The main highlights are:

  • Allow an author element to have a contentType attribute (so can easily leave it out when submitting a work anonymously).
  • In the UI, change behavior of the black drop-down button on reference elements so that it invokes the SetReference command instead of showing all elements with IDs.
  • Add a special command to produce a web page of the master list of abbreviations.
  • Add ability to create a list of ISO 639-3 codes used in a document with links from the code to the list; include a language name.
  • Add glossary term capability so one can have a master list of glossary terms and then refer to them in the document. The output will show only those used in the document in a table in either a preface or a glossary element.

You can obtain an installation program for Windows, Mac or Linux at the XLingPaper Download page.

If you have already installed XLingPaper version 2.10.0 or higher and merely want to upgrade, then you will need to download and install the XLingPaper update file. If you have modified any of the stock publisher style sheets, please be sure to make a backup of your work before running this installer. It may overwrite your modifications.

The recent changes are:

  • 2.28.0 9 November 2015
    • Improve documentation on showLevel attribute of contents element.
    • Fix bug: if an annotation in a refWork element contained a citation element, that citation element was treated as if it were in the document proper.
    • Thanks to work by Kent Rasmussen, the Zotero to XLingPaper command now allows one to convert one or more Zotero abstracts, notes, and keywords to an XLingPaper annotation. Note that the command does expect one to have an annotatedBibliographyType element whose ID attribute is ‘atAbstract’ and one whose ID attribute is ‘atNote’.
    • Allow an author element to have a contentType attribute (so can easily leave it out when submitting a work anonymously).
    • Add info about editing referenced style sheet in publisher style sheet documentation.
    • Fix some typos in generated messages in UI.
    • Update link to vowel chart download site in the “Journal of the International Phonetic Association Illustration article, submission format” template.
    • Add a resetEndnoteNumbering attribute to the chapterLayout element in a publisher style sheet. It controls whether endnote numbering should be reset at each chapter or not.
    • Add SILEWP document template and update SILEWP publisher style sheet.
    • In the UI, change behavior of the black drop-down button on reference elements so that it invokes the SetReference command instead of showing all elements with IDs.
    • Fix bug: Publishing info material would show at the end of a book when using a style sheet.
    • Fix bug: multiple preface elements with multiple prefaceLayout elements in a style sheet did not line up according to the documentation. Same for multiple glossary elements with multiple glossaryLayout elements.
    • Fix bug: The convert gloss to abbreviation command failed to work in an embedded object and also if the gloss began with 1, 2, or 3 and the rest of the gloss was uppercase, but the abbreviation(s) for the rest of the gloss were lowercase in the abbreviation element, it failed to convert it to an abbrRef.
    • Fix some typos in the user documentation.
    • Further clarify the usecitationformatwhennumberofsharedpaperis attribute on the referencesLayout element in the publisher style sheet documentation. Also change its default value to 2.
    • Add startingPageNumberInBook attribute to publishingInfo element.
    • Add useperiodafternumber attribute to sectionTitleLayout element in publisher style sheet to control period after section numbers when there is no overt numberLayout element.
    • Add a special command to produce a web page of the master list of abbreviations.
    • In the publisher style sheet, add textafterReferenceNumber and textbeforeReferenceNumber attributes to the interlinearTextLayout element.
    • Add ignoreabbreviationsfontfamily attribute on abbreviation element to user documentation.
    • Add ability to create a list of ISO 639-3 codes used in a document with links from the code to the list; include a language name.
    • Add ability to include an interlinearSource element in a single or listSingle example.
    • Add glossary term capability so one can have a master list of glossary terms and then refer to them in the document. The output will show only those used in the document in a table in either a preface or a glossary element.
    • Add brief history description to user documentation.
    • Allow comment elements in author element (so one can keep the information while submitting a paper for anonymous review).
    • Allow a publisher style sheet to correctly place multiple preface elements or glossary elements around other frontmatter/backmatter elements.
    • Add note to documentation about problems with duplicate fonts on Windows 7 causing XXE and default PDF to not show the font correctly.
    • Add a missing collection pattern to the SIL-UNDThesisReferencesStylesheet.xml file.
    • Fix IJAL publisher style sheets to show section numbers correctly.
    • For the default way of producing PDF (via XeLaTeX):
      • Add a XeLaTeXSpecial attribute to the chapter element so one can force a page break when chapters do not necessarily begin a new page.
      • Add new attribute to the freeLayout element in a publisher style sheet: adjustIndentOfNonInitialLineBy. The value entered will be subtracted from the normal indent of second and following lines in a long free translation. This is only for the ‘automatically wrap interlinears’ case.
      • Fix bug: the indentOfNonInitialGroup attribute of the interlinearMultipleLineGroupLayout element in a publisher style sheet did not work correctly for interlinear examples when the automaticallywrapinterlinears attribute of the lingPaper element was set to ‘yes’.
      • In the style sheet, add an indentOfInitialGroup attribute on the interlinearTextLayout element. This controls how much to indent the first line of an interlinear text when using the automatic wrapping of interlinear text option.
      • Add ability to insert continuous line numbering in the PDF output. See section 2.10 ‘Add line numbers to output’ in the publisher style sheet documentation.
      • Fix bug: when a publisher style sheet was set to use double spacing and endnotes and examples are set to be singlespaced, an example in an endnote could come out in the wrong font size.
      • Fix bug: when using double spacing or space and a half and tables were not set to use single spacing, sometimes the table came out single-spaced anyway.
      • Fix bug: table captions with style sheets were not always coming out in the correct position.
      • Fix bug: an empty free element would cause the PDF to fail to be produced.
      • Fix bug: in an endnote embedded in an interlinear-text, the use of a gloss element whose language element had a font-family could cause the rest of the endnote to be formatted using that gloss’ font-family.
      • Fix bug: if one had a section title beginning a paragraph, there would be too much space between the section number and the section title.
      • Fix bug: an endnote in a table in an li element would cause the PDF not to be produced.
      • Fix bug: A non-initial paragraph in an endnote did not indent.
    • (Remove some files in the set of configuration files we are no longer using.)