XLingPaper version 3.3.0 (for the XMLmind XML Editor version 7.2+) and version 2.33.0 (for the XMLmind XML Editor version 5.3) are now available for Windows, Mac, and Linux.
This new version of XLingPaper has a number of improvements and bug fixes.
The main highlights are:
- If you are qualified to use the Personal Edition of the XMLmind XML Editor, we now have one step installers which install version 7.6 of the XMLmind XML Editor as well as XLingPaper.
- Add ability to have two contents, one in the front matter and one in the back matter, with differing labels and levels of detail. (Only via a publisher style sheet.)
- Add ability to show (or not show) the contents itself in a table of contents. (Only via a publisher style sheet.)
- In the user documentation, add an appendix to show the order of elements after the back matter.
- Enable showing ISO 639-3 codes in examples be on a per example basis as well as document wide.
- When creating a zip file, add a warning message for when an image file has a bad file name and will not be included in the zip file.
- 3.3.0 21 May 2018
- Fix bug: indexedItem elements in a comment were being skipped in the main body but were showing up in the index. They should always be skipped in both places.
- Fix typo in user documentation.
- Include publishing blurb in JIPA Illustration template.
- Improve spacing and alignment in contents for chapters and appendices.
- Add ability to have two contents, one in the front matter and one in the back matter, with differing labels and levels of detail. (Only via a publisher style sheet.)
- Add ability to show (or not show) the contents itself in a table of contents. (Only via a publisher style sheet.)
- In the user documentation, add an appendix to show the order of elements after the back matter.
- Enable showing ISO 639-3 codes in examples be on a per example basis as well as document wide.
- When creating a zip file, add a warning message for when an image file has a bad file name and will not be included in the zip file.
- For the default way of producing PDF (via XeLaTeX):
- Improve width in contents by considering width of front matter pages as well as body pages.
- Fix bug: when a chart has an image with a caption and that caption has one or more endnotes, the endnote text did not show on the page.
- Fix bug: when a table’s header was more than one row long and the first non-header row used a th in the first column, the header would not show when the table spanned multiple pages.
- Fix bug: when a table cell spanned two or more columns, was centered, and did not have a width specified, the PDF failed to be produced.
- Fix bug: when a table’s headers specified column widths, individual table cells could be rendered justified instead of ragged right.
- Fix bug: when a document has only appendices and its publisher style sheet has the appendices starting on an odd page, then the contents would not have the correct page for the appendices.
- Fix bug: a gloss in a caption element would not show in the generated contents if the gloss had an embedded indexedItem element.
- Fix bug: Page numbers for generated contents and indexes could be off by one or two pages.
- Add a new XeLaTeXSpecial attribute of clearpage. It is like pagebreak, but it will also force any footnotes on the current page to appear at the bottom of that page.