Version 3.4.0 / 2.34.0 Released

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XLingPaper version 3.4.0 (for the XMLmind XML Editor version 7.2+) and version 2.34.0 (for the XMLmind XML Editor version 5.3) are now available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. This new version of XLingPaper has a number of improvements and bug fixes. The main highlights are:
  • Allow multiple layout sets for langData items in the publisher style sheet (e.g., for phonetic and phonemic data)
  • Add ability to include DOI information in references.
  • Allow counter element in th elements. Add ability to show counter as decimal, zero-initial decimal, lower alpha, upper alpha, lower roman, or upper roman.
  • Add ability to show glossary terms as a “definition list” (each term and its definition in a hanging indent styled paragraph).
You can obtain an installation program for Windows, Mac or Linux at If you have already installed XLingPaper version 2.10.0 or higher and merely want to upgrade, then you will need to download and install the XLingPaper update file. See Be careful to get the installer for the version of the XMLmind XML Editor you are using (it is possible to install both, if you wish). If you have modified any of the stock publisher style sheets, please be sure to make a backup of your work before running this installer. It may overwrite your modifications. The recent changes (for both versions) are: 3.4.0 15 November 2018
  • Add ability to show glossary terms as a “definition list” (each term and its definition in a hanging indent styled paragraph).
  • Fix bug: when using the promote or demote section commands while also having set the Store All Revisions option, extraneous material would appear.
  • Add to endnoteRefLayout portion of publisher style sheet documentation that one uses the textbefore attribute to change the default “See footnote “.
  • Add information to user documentation on handling a blockquote element that has embedded elements since the indent may not work unless the material is embedded within a p or pc element.
  • Add semantic validity check for indexedRangeBegin in a secTitle element. It can cause the default PDF to not show a page number for it in the index output. Also added a note about this in the user documentation.
  • Allow referenceLayout element to have spacebefore and spaceafter attributes.
  • Allow annotationLayout element to have textbefore and textafter attributes.
  • Allow multiple layout sets for langData items in the publisher style sheet (e.g., for phonetic and phonemic data)
  • Add layout information for table caption (or endCaption) in publisher style sheet.
  • Add ability to include DOI information in references.
  • Allow counter element in th elements. Add ability to show counter as decimal, zero-initial decimal, lower alpha, upper alpha, lower roman, or upper roman.
  • Documentation improvements:
    • Tell how to add a refAuthorInitials element
    • Table borders discussion: add reference to special attributes for default PDF and add index items.
    • Change “Copy a table from…” to “Convert a table from…”
    • Add appendix to Publisher Style Sheet document on the default values for elements in the Content Layout portion.
    • Clarify the use of using reference author initials.
    • Add information on how to create an epigraph.
    • Tell how to control the formatting of glossary terms.
    • Describe the text interlinear ID used by the export from FLEx process so a user can control the line number used in the output for an interlinear text.
    • Update hanging indent section on how it appears in the XMLmind XML Editor.
  • Correct email address for “Oh, Dear!” messages.
  • Produce warning when a chapterInCollection document is associated to a style sheet that does not have layout info for chapter in collection.
  • Fix bug: setting the useSingleSpacingForLongCaptions attribute to ‘yes’ of either the figureLayout or the tablenumberedLayout element in a publisher style sheet did nothing.
  • Fix bug: when converting Endnote XML references file to XLingPaper format, if the first two or more works were by the same author, it only output the first work. Also if the title contained an equals sign, it was not removed for the refWork ID.
  • Fix bug: Glossary term definitions did not output citation elements, among others.
  • For the default way of producing PDF (via XeLaTeX):
    • Fix bug: a section level title that was supposed to begin a paragraph was on a line by itself.
    • Fix bug: when showing abbreviations in a table, if the abbreviations had a non-default font, then the hyperlink from the abbreviation in the text to the table was off by about a line.
    • Fix bug: when a section title had an endnote and the section title was formatted as all uppercase, the endnote content also came out in all uppercase.
    • When a paper had no sections but does have appendices, if the style sheet had those appendices starting on a new page, the running headers could be incorrect.
    • Fix bug: when there were many example(interlinear) items in a row, page breaking could be awful.