Version 3.5.0 / 2.35.0 Released

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XLingPaper version 3.5.0 (for the XMLmind XML Editor version 7.2+) and version 2.35.0 (for the XMLmind XML Editor version 5.3) are now available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. This new version of XLingPaper has a number of improvements and bug fixes. The main highlights are:
  • Improve loading speed for object elements via CSS.
  • Allow a refAuthorInitials element to contain langData, etc., elements.
  • Add replacecolonwith attribute to citationLayout element to allow something other than a colon between date and page number(s) in a citation.
  • For the default way of producing PDF (via XeLaTeX): Fix bug: when calculating table cell width, the default formatting was justify instead of left.
If you have not previously installed XLingPaper, you can obtain an installation program for Windows, Mac or Linux at If you have already installed XLingPaper version 2.10.0 or higher and merely want to upgrade, then you will need to download and install the XLingPaper update file. See Be careful to get the installer for the version of the XMLmind XML Editor you are using (it is possible to install both, if you wish). If you have modified any of the stock publisher style sheets, please be sure to make a backup of your work before running this installer. It may overwrite your modifications. The recent changes (for both versions) are: 3.5.0 14 May 2019
  • Improve loading speed for object elements via CSS.
  • Change DOI links from to
  • Allow a refAuthorInitials element to contain langData, etc., elements.
  • Add replacecolonwith attribute to citationLayout element to allow something other than a colon between date and page number(s) in a citation.
  • Fix bug: Make the chooser for interlinearRefCitation elements handle the T-ID identifier output the same as the regular outputs do.
  • Fix bug: a blockquote within a bulleted or ordered list did not indent correctly.
  • Fix bug: when showing comments in the output, any comments in references were not showing.
  • Fix bug: when using a publisher style sheet which controls formatting of langData elements, any langData element in a refAuthorInitial or refWork used the prose style instead of no special styling.
  • Add a Schematron check for an interlinearSource element within an interlinear inside an interlinear-text. Warn that it is not needed.
  • Allow more reference elements to contain embedded elements: jTtile, translatedBy, edition, series, seriesEd, multivolumeWork, publisher, location, collEd, institution, procEd.
  • Improve documentation:
    • Change the bulleted list to an ordered list in known issues items to make referring to them easier.
    • Add Able2Extract PDF tool to list of PDF tools for combining PDF files in section 11.44 of user documentation.
    • Improve documentation on inserting an appendix and a glossary.
  • For the default way of producing PDF (via XeLaTeX):
    • Allow a chart element to have a XeLaTeXSpecial attribute of either pagebreak or clearpage.
    • Fix bug: when a p element consisted solely of a comment element and the showcommentinoutput option was set, the comment did not appear in the output.
    • Fix bug: space after a part in contents did not always work.
    • Fix bug: when calculating table cell width, the default formatting was justify instead of left.
    • Fix bug: when a graphic could not be found, the PDF might fail to be produced.
    • Fix bug: an ol (or ul) in a chart in a figure could cause the PDF to fail to be produced.
    • Change output formatting of comment contents from a box with yellow background (that often went off the page) to [[ in a yellow box at the beginning and ]] in a yellow box at the end.
    • Improve layout of missing reference pattern message so that it all shows in the PDF.
    • Fix bug: when a figure had a comment after the img element and captions show after the figure, “[0pt] could show in the output.
    • Fix bug: when an endnote was embedded in a langData (or gloss) element, there could be no space between the footnote number and any following text.
  • Converting Endnote XML references file and Zotero references file to XLingPaper format:
    • Fix bug: handle presentation genre.
    • Fix bug: handle translators in a book
    • Fix bug: computerProgram genre produced nothing.
    • Fix bug: url information was not being processed for collection, paper, and proceedings items.
    • Fix bug: allow collection/proceedings to have series and bVol. Improve finding of collVol/procVol.
    • Allow for a audio reference.
    • Allow for a video reference.
    • Allow for a blog post reference
    • Allow for a dictionary reference
    • Allow for a document reference
    • Allow for a report reference
    • Allow for a standards reference
    • Improve thesis vs. dissertation handling
    • Improve manuscript handling
    • Fix bug: if the title contained a /, < or >, it was not removed for the refWork ID.
    • Fix bug: a doi element could get put in the wrong place, giving a validation error.
    • Fix bug: books did not handle volume, series, and series volumes correctly.
    • Fix bug: if an editor’s name did not have a type attribute, it was missing.