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SUMMARY:  A Unicode typesetting system based on TeX DETAILS:  XeTeX is a typesetting system based on a merger of Donald Knuth's TeX system with Unicode and modern font technologies and is still in the experimental stage of its development. XeTeX is a command-line tool, like standard TeX and pdfTeX processors. It is most commonly used via a graphical environment such as TeXShop (Mac OS X), KILE (Linux), WinEDT (Windows), or others.  

LibreOffice Linguistic Tools

This add-on inserts linguistic examples into LibreOffice and Apache OpenOffice documents.  It reads XML files from FieldWorks and Toolbox. Other features include:
  • Data Conversion using SIL Converters.
  • Manage the list of grammatical abbreviations in a document.
  • Practice learning different scripts by typing.


Webonary gives language groups the ability to put their bilingual or multilingual dictionaries on the web with a minimum of technical help. Each dictionary is built around a search bar, which looks for a word throughout the dictionary, and returns the most relevant results to the top of the list.


Pathway prepares dictionary and Scripture data in open document (odf), e-book (epub 2.0), portable document (pdf), TeX and J2ME (jar) formats. Print and electronic publications can be distributed on web sites, Android cell phones, and Java feature phones. Indirectly Pathway can be used for doc, docx, Kindle®, and Nook®. The epub format will also work on tablets using software for reading e-books. Pathway installs as an add-on of FieldWorks and Paratext, or it can be launched in batch process. Features

FLEx (FieldWorks Language Explorer)

FieldWorks consists of software tools that help you manage linguistic and cultural data. FieldWorks supports tasks ranging from the initial entry of collected data through to the preparation of data for publication, including:
  • dictionary development
  • interlinearization of texts
  • cultural records
  • bulk editing of many fields
  • morphological analysis