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XLingPaper is a way to author and archive linguistic papers or books using XML. Many of us prefer writing XLingPaper files with the XMLmind XML Editor. It makes writing XML much easier than other XML-oriented editors we've used.
This project contains not only the XLingPaper files, but also the configuration files for using XLingPaper with the XMLmind XML Editor.
The listed interface languages are for the XMLmind XML Editor. The XLingPaper-specific dialogs and prompts are available in English, Spanish, and French. (For the latter two, we...
Keyman Desktop is a multilingual virtual keyboard application. It enables a user to type in any of over 600 languages in Windows, Mac OS, Android, iOS, and Linux. Designed with the user in mind, it is the market-leading keyboard mapping solution. Well-supported across many operating systems, it brings a simple solution to the complexity of typing in a range of languages and scripts that are either unsupported or only partly supported by the operating system.
Asheninka (a Syllable Parser) is a tool to explore using several different algorithms for parsing orthographic words into syllables. It can also insert discretionary hyphens in words. It is designed to work with any language whose orthography is roman-based. Word lists can come from Paratext or FLEx.
Paratext is a tool designed to help produce quality translations from the point of view of both format and content. It is the primary tool of Bible Translators worldwide.
Scripture App Builder is a tool for taking formatted text like USFM files from Paratext and making them into an Android app that will display the text on an Android phone or tablet. If audio files exist, they can be built into the app, so that as the audio plays, the corresponding words in the text are highlighted. If you use HearThis to record the audio for your Paratext project, incorporating the two together in an app is quite straightforward (HearThis automatically stores the timing information needed for the text-audio synchronization).
The resulting...
Learning to read takes books. Learning to read well, and developing a love of reading, takes lots of books. Books at all different skill levels. But how are low-literacy language communities ever to get all those books in their language? They can do it with Bloom.
Bloom uses collections of "shell books" that come with multiple source languages. Read the ones you understand, type in a translation in your language, and you're done!
LangTran is a software distribution system that provides a robust automated system for language workers to access the latest installers for many programs & associated resources. Those resources will be on their computer or USB drive when they go to an area with poor, expensive or unreliable internet coverage, or none at all.
XeTeX based macro package for typesetting USFM formatted (Paratext output) scripture files
Typesetting in minutes, not months
PTXprint is a relatively new tool (still in active development) to help teams easily produce adequate quality printed output from Paratext for the purpose of trial publications. It aims to hide all the complexity of XeTeX from the user, and presents an extensive range of options through a simple click-to-enable user-interface.
What does it do?
Everything that Paratext's PrintDraft...
SUMMARY: A Unicode typesetting system based on TeX
DETAILS: XeTeX is a typesetting system based on a merger of Donald Knuth's TeX system with Unicode and modern font technologies and is still in the experimental stage of its development.
XeTeX is a command-line tool, like standard TeX and pdfTeX processors. It is most commonly used via a graphical environment such as TeXShop (Mac OS X), KILE (Linux), WinEDT (Windows), or others.
LingTree is a tool to produce linguistic tree diagrams. The user keys in a description of the tree, processes that description, and LingTree shows what the tree looks like. The tree can be saved in PNG and/or SVG file formats so that it can be included in papers or web pages.
LingTree runs on Windows, Mac OS X, and Liinux operating systems.