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XLingPaper is a way to author and archive linguistic papers or books using XML. Many of us prefer writing XLingPaper files with the XMLmind XML Editor. It makes writing XML much easier than other XML-oriented editors we've used.
This project contains not only the XLingPaper files, but also the configuration files for using XLingPaper with the XMLmind XML Editor.
The listed interface languages are for the XMLmind XML Editor. The XLingPaper-specific dialogs and prompts are available in English, Spanish, and French. (For the latter two, we...
Asheninka (a Syllable Parser) is a tool to explore using several different algorithms for parsing orthographic words into syllables. It can also insert discretionary hyphens in words. It is designed to work with any language whose orthography is roman-based. Word lists can come from Paratext or FLEx.
SUMMARY: A Unicode typesetting system based on TeX
DETAILS: XeTeX is a typesetting system based on a merger of Donald Knuth's TeX system with Unicode and modern font technologies and is still in the experimental stage of its development.
XeTeX is a command-line tool, like standard TeX and pdfTeX processors. It is most commonly used via a graphical environment such as TeXShop (Mac OS X), KILE (Linux), WinEDT (Windows), or others.
LingTree is a tool to produce linguistic tree diagrams. The user keys in a description of the tree, processes that description, and LingTree shows what the tree looks like. The tree can be saved in PNG and/or SVG file formats so that it can be included in papers or web pages.
LingTree runs on Windows, Mac OS X, and Liinux operating systems.
This program allows the user to perform various kinds phonetic studies (e.g., spectral, pitch, or formant analysis; segmenting and labeling of a sound file; speech synthesis; perform listening experiments; perform statistical analyses, etc.). For more detailed information, please visit the website.
SFM2Web is a Python3 program that converts materials encoded using SIL's Standard Format Marker format (see a very brief description here) into web pages. The program can convert a lexicon, interlinear texts, Bible books, a multilanguage phrasebook, and language lessons, etc. into xHTML pages with formatting determined by cascading stylesheets (CSS).
These web pages may then be copied to a web server for publication to the Internet or to an intranet. But these aren't the only uses for the web pages. They can also be viewed on a local computer to view and/or check one's own work. Or they can be sent to a dictionary
This add-on inserts linguistic examples into LibreOffice and Apache OpenOffice documents. It reads XML files from FieldWorks and Toolbox.
Other features include:
- Data Conversion using SIL Converters.
- Manage the list of grammatical abbreviations in a document.
- Practice learning different scripts by typing.
Displays lexicons from Paratext interlinearizer in an easy searchable form.
What you can do with the list
Glossy shows you the quick lexicon generated from the interlinearizer.
- Search: Type anything in the search box at the top to search for it.
- Starts with: Type one letter to show only words starting with that letter.
- Sort: Click a column heading to search by that column.
- Find this: Click on any word to search for that word. Good for finding similar words.
- Refresh to ...
Parser and Writer for Syntax
The Parser And Writer for Syntax Starter Kit is affectionately also called PAWS.
As the name of the starter kit indicates, the Parser and Writer for Syntax (PAWS) has two purposes and four outputs:
- The Writer produces a rough draft of a grammar of the syntax of your language, based on the answers to the questions in each section of PAWS. This output file is in XLingPaper xml format. (See There are three possible formats for the ...
An audio editor that runs on all major platforms. It is oriented more toward music than phonetics and has only limited analysis tools. However, it can do noise reduction and has some useful editing tools, including the ability to modify individual samples and to change the amplitude envelope.