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Info updated: 2019-07-24
Average: 5 (2 votes)

The Wordcorr Idea. Wordcorr is a tool for comparing speech varieties. It can handle a large number of matching word lists -- how many depends on your operating system, screen size, and font choices. It makes the full International Phonetic Alphabet available to you, as well as other notations.

Once the raw data are organized, Wordcorr

  • keeps track of your judgments about what forms might match each other genetically, and the way they match
  • tabulates your judgments into correspondence sets (that's where the corr in the name comes from -- correspondence set)
  • organizes the sets as the building blocks for a detailed analysisof the development of all the speech varieties under study.

Scholars, students, and interested nonspecialists can download Wordcorr through this Web site and use it. It also can be used by specialists to form a research team, share data, and compare analytical perspectives.

Status Stable/Production
SIL Status Discontinued
Runs on Windows
Unicode compatible Yes
Features none listed
Interface language(s) English
Developed by
License Unknown
Download page Wordcorr - download from Sourceforge