New website, XXE 7, New Versions Released

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First, XLingPaper has a new website at Feel free to check it out. We will keep the old website up for at least another couple of months. Second, some have noticed that XMLmind has a new version (7+) that allows for a Personal Edition License again. It turns out that this new version also handles the newer high density computer screens well while the version we have been using (5.3) does not do so. We have created a version of XLingPaper that will work with the XMLmind XML Editor version 7.3+. See this blog post for more information. Third, we have a new release of XLingPaper, but now there are two kinds: one for the XMLmind XML Editor version 7.3+ and one for the XMLmind XML Editor version 5.3. As has been the case for many years now, these versions of XLingPaper work on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. See the download page as well as the how to install page. Be sure to get the download that corresponds to the version of the XMLmind XML Editor you use. Note that if you have already installed XLingPaper on your computer and want to try out version 7.3 of the XMLmind XML Editor, you will need to install version 7.3 of the XMLmind XML Editor and then you can use the Update Package appropriate for your operating system. You can get the update package on the download page. Also note that these installers are currently only available on the new website, not the old one. Some highlights of the new release (which is for both versions of XXE) include:
  • Added a command to convert abbreviations to abbrRef elements in every gloss element within a selected portion of the document.
  • Add more example numbering control via the exampleLayout element in a publisher style sheet.
  • Add ability to include list of keywords in front matter and/or back matter. One can control their appearance and location in a publisher style sheet.
Here is the detailed list of changes for the new version (version 2.30.0 is for version 5.3 of the XMLmind XML Editor and version 3.0.0 is for version 7.3 of the XMLmind XML Editor):
  • 2.30.0 14 January 2017
    • Add a validity check for an endnote within an embedded element (e.g., langData) inside a secTitle element. This could cause the default PDF to fail to be produced.
    • Fix bug in looking for annotations which could incorrectly not find some.
    • Fix bug which prevented the ‘Jump to word in references’ command from working in a master list of references document.
    • Fix bug which caused the Zotero to XLingPaper conversion process to produce invalid structure.
    • For citation elements in the UI, if the author/date combination occurs more than once, show an ‘a’, ‘b’, etc after the date.
    • Added a command to convert abbreviations to abbrRef elements in every gloss element within a selected portion of the document.
    • Add more example numbering control via the exampleLayout element in a publisher style sheet:
      • Allow showing chapter number as part of example number.
      • User control over what text appears between the chapter number and the example number (default is a period).
      • For the default way of producing PDF (via XeLaTeX):
        • Allow user to control how much space to allow for example numbers (instead of the default).
    • Improve user documentation on referencing interlinears.
    • Add ability to include list of keywords in front matter and/or back matter. One can control their appearance and location in a publisher style sheet.
    • Add last file/directory name tried in CreateZipFile so if the command fails, the user has an idea of which file/directory is causing the problem.
    • Add a quick reference guide.
    • For the default way of producing PDF (via XeLaTeX):
      • Fix bug: the table of contents would not show page numbers in some cases (because I forgot to use an immediate command at a certain point, blush).
      • Fix bug: in certain circumstance while using double-spacing generally but single-spacing in references, the table of contents would not show page numbers.