XLingPaper version 2.27.0 is now available for Windows, Mac, and Linux.
This new version of XLingPaper has a number of improvements and bug fixes.
The main highlights are:
- Allow abbrRef elements wherever “embedded” elements can go, not just in the limited places allowed before.
- Allow more than one email address for a given author.
- 2.27.0 8 June 2015
- Allow br elements in appendix, chapter, part, and section titles but not in table of contents (i.e., remove them from table of contents).
- Allow abbrRef elements wherever “embedded” elements can go, not just in the limited places allowed before.
- Insert section 6.1.4 in the user documentation on how to create a table with its own footnotes.
- Change documentation to use [email protected] email address.
- Fix bug: the firstParagraphHasIndent attribute of the chapterInCollectionLayout element was ignored.
- The SIL International publisher style sheet for manuscript references needed a space after the colon after the location.
- Add documentation on how to center an image using a table.
- Add ability to control vertical spacing between interlinear text units (via the spaceBetweenUnits attribute on the new interlinearTextLayout element).
- Fix some link typos in the user documentation.
- Make Set Reference for exampleRef elements show only examples within a framedUnit when the exampleRef is in a framedUnit. Conversely, Set Reference for exampleRef elements outside of a framedUnit do not show any examples within a framedUnit.
- Add a command ShowExampleNumberAndIds which when run on an exampleRef element will show projected example numbers as well as the example IDs.
- Add defaultGlossLanguage and defaultVernacularLanguage attributes to lingPaper element.
- When changing default gloss and vernacular languages, add note in documentation that need to restart XXE for the changes to take effect.
- Allow more than one email address for a given author.
- Allow a hanging indent to occur within a chart (especially for an example which is a dictionary entry).
- For publisher style sheet, fix bug which kept section number from showing in running headers in papers.
- Add schematron check for a table cell width attribute which has just a space in it.
- Fix bug in web page output with a publisher style sheet: the indexLinkLayout information was ignored.
- Added figureRefLinkLayout and tablenumberedRefLinkLayout to new publisher style sheet templates.
- For the default way of producing PDF (via XeLaTeX):
- Undo “Enable PDF bookmarks for book documents to show three levels (and not just two)” from 2.26.2: it broke starting on odd pages.
- Fix bug: if the basic point size was different than 10pt, 11pt, or 12pt and one was using double or space-and-a-half, then if the contents were to be single spaced, they would come out in the LaTeX document class size (10, 11, or 12).
- Fix bug: The PDF would fail to be produced if a caption in a table not in a tablenumbered contained a br element.
- Add a note in documentation that using index IDs containing underscores may cause the page numbers to not come out.
- Add needspace command for word emedded within word examples.
- Revise how needspace command is done to avoid some bad page breaks which have no work-around.
- Fix bug: a table with 1000+ rows would cause the PDF to fail (buf_size limit met). Inserted a “%nl” at the end of each row to prevent this.
- Fix bug: a non-initial endnoteRef in an interlinear-text which referred to an endnote in an interlinear-text earlier in the file had an incorrect footnote number.
- Fix bug: When a publisher style sheet has acknowledgementsLayout with showAsFootnoteAtEndOfAbstract set to yes, it would use a footnote even when there was no acknowledgements element and it would use a footnote after every pc element.
- Add XeLaTeXSpecial attribute to lingPaper element; have it use “overfullhbox=’5pt'”. This will output a 5pt black box on any line that is too long (but not for tables).
- Make the version element be centered when there is no publisher style sheet.
- Fix bug: within a definition element, if one changed font family, the scope of that font family continued on when it should not have. Ths also happened in an endnote within an example.
- Fix bug: a free translation could show up on top of the final line of a lineGroup when in an interlinear example, no heading, and there was another lineGroup before it.
- Fix bug: within a definition element, if one changed font family, the scope of that font family continued on when it should not have. Ths also happened in an endnote within an example.
- Fix bug: when using an index along with content control, the text from the content control names was showing up at the end of the index.
- Fix bug: some listInterlinears with an interlinearSource did not align the source information at the right edge correctly when the source came after the free.
- Fix bug: the PDF would fail to be produced if one said the document was in a particular language.
- Fix bug: the PDF would fail to be produced if using the default (no style sheet) output and one had a language id used in a free that contained a hyphen.
- A chart with an image could mess up a following paragraph’s indent if the chart was at the top level.
- Fix bug: when a publisher style sheet had a figureRefLinkLayout or a tablenumberedRefLinkLayout, any color or decoration did not show in the PDF.