Version 2.27.0 Released

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XLingPaper version 2.27.0 is now available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. This new version of XLingPaper has a number of improvements and bug fixes. The main highlights are:
  • Allow abbrRef elements wherever “embedded” elements can go, not just in the limited places allowed before.
  • Allow more than one email address for a given author.
You can obtain an installation program for Windows, Mac or Linux at the XLingPaper Download page. If you have already installed XLingPaper version 2.10.0 or higher and merely want to upgrade, then you will need to download and install the XLingPaper update file. If you have modified any of the stock publisher style sheets, please be sure to make a backup of your work before running this installer. It may overwrite your modifications. The recent changes are:
  • 2.27.0 8 June 2015
    • Allow br elements in appendix, chapter, part, and section titles but not in table of contents (i.e., remove them from table of contents).
    • Allow abbrRef elements wherever “embedded” elements can go, not just in the limited places allowed before.
    • Insert section 6.1.4 in the user documentation on how to create a table with its own footnotes.
    • Change documentation to use [email protected] email address.
    • Fix bug: the firstParagraphHasIndent attribute of the chapterInCollectionLayout element was ignored.
    • The SIL International publisher style sheet for manuscript references needed a space after the colon after the location.
    • Add documentation on how to center an image using a table.
    • Add ability to control vertical spacing between interlinear text units (via the spaceBetweenUnits attribute on the new interlinearTextLayout element).
    • Fix some link typos in the user documentation.
    • Make Set Reference for exampleRef elements show only examples within a framedUnit when the exampleRef is in a framedUnit. Conversely, Set Reference for exampleRef elements outside of a framedUnit do not show any examples within a framedUnit.
    • Add a command ShowExampleNumberAndIds which when run on an exampleRef element will show projected example numbers as well as the example IDs.
    • Add defaultGlossLanguage and defaultVernacularLanguage attributes to lingPaper element.
    • When changing default gloss and vernacular languages, add note in documentation that need to restart XXE for the changes to take effect.
    • Allow more than one email address for a given author.
    • Allow a hanging indent to occur within a chart (especially for an example which is a dictionary entry).
    • For publisher style sheet, fix bug which kept section number from showing in running headers in papers.
    • Add schematron check for a table cell width attribute which has just a space in it.
    • Fix bug in web page output with a publisher style sheet: the indexLinkLayout information was ignored.
    • Added figureRefLinkLayout and tablenumberedRefLinkLayout to new publisher style sheet templates.
    • For the default way of producing PDF (via XeLaTeX):
      • Undo “Enable PDF bookmarks for book documents to show three levels (and not just two)” from 2.26.2: it broke starting on odd pages.
      • Fix bug: if the basic point size was different than 10pt, 11pt, or 12pt and one was using double or space-and-a-half, then if the contents were to be single spaced, they would come out in the LaTeX document class size (10, 11, or 12).
      • Fix bug: The PDF would fail to be produced if a caption in a table not in a tablenumbered contained a br element.
      • Add a note in documentation that using index IDs containing underscores may cause the page numbers to not come out.
      • Add needspace command for word emedded within word examples.
      • Revise how needspace command is done to avoid some bad page breaks which have no work-around.
      • Fix bug: a table with 1000+ rows would cause the PDF to fail (buf_size limit met). Inserted a “%nl” at the end of each row to prevent this.
      • Fix bug: a non-initial endnoteRef in an interlinear-text which referred to an endnote in an interlinear-text earlier in the file had an incorrect footnote number.
      • Fix bug: When a publisher style sheet has acknowledgementsLayout with showAsFootnoteAtEndOfAbstract set to yes, it would use a footnote even when there was no acknowledgements element and it would use a footnote after every pc element.
      • Add XeLaTeXSpecial attribute to lingPaper element; have it use “overfullhbox=’5pt'”. This will output a 5pt black box on any line that is too long (but not for tables).
      • Make the version element be centered when there is no publisher style sheet.
      • Fix bug: within a definition element, if one changed font family, the scope of that font family continued on when it should not have. Ths also happened in an endnote within an example.
      • Fix bug: a free translation could show up on top of the final line of a lineGroup when in an interlinear example, no heading, and there was another lineGroup before it.
      • Fix bug: within a definition element, if one changed font family, the scope of that font family continued on when it should not have. Ths also happened in an endnote within an example.
      • Fix bug: when using an index along with content control, the text from the content control names was showing up at the end of the index.
      • Fix bug: some listInterlinears with an interlinearSource did not align the source information at the right edge correctly when the source came after the free.
      • Fix bug: the PDF would fail to be produced if one said the document was in a particular language.
      • Fix bug: the PDF would fail to be produced if using the default (no style sheet) output and one had a language id used in a free that contained a hyphen.
      • A chart with an image could mess up a following paragraph’s indent if the chart was at the top level.
      • Fix bug: when a publisher style sheet had a figureRefLinkLayout or a tablenumberedRefLinkLayout, any color or decoration did not show in the PDF.