Aide à la tâche : Scholarshop and Documentation

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Scholarshop and Documentation

Research, Publisahing and archiving, and Intellectual property


Research is important to inform strategies and actions, to question assumptions and to develop knowledge in different domains that can be helpful to others.

Sharing knowledge through research, publishing and archiving means stewarding what we have been entrusted with. Appropriate archiving is of utmost importance in order to avoid duplicating efforts.

Respecting Intellectual Property (IP) rights is the only way to work professionally in an ethical and responsible way. IP policies foster innovation and appropriate development and sharing of resources by protecting the data.

Assessment Criteria: 

Is able to stay engaged with current literature and carry out research in their domain.

Is able to write publishable papers and archive data and materials

Is able to explain important concepts of IP rights

Activités de croissance

Les activités suivantes ont été identifiées pour atteindre comptency en terme de % : nom en apprenant les niveaux à Expert.

Has Knowledge: 

Read an introductory book or some articles on research methods. Explain the importance of research from a professional and missiological point of view.

Find out about ethical research practices in your domain.

With the help of your mentor, establish a list of readings you need to read in your domain.

Engage and network with others in your domain. If possible, sign up to email lists that are helpful for your work.

Regularly read the primary journals in your field.

Explore 3 websites that explain intellectual property rights. Discuss with your mentor how this is relevant to your work.

Read your organisation's copyright policies. Note the areas that are particularly relevant for your work. Discuss with your mentor.

With Assistance: 

Regularly participate in a community of practice within your field.

Archive your data and matierials with appropriate metadata to an archive such as REAP.

Describe the copyright policies of your organisation to a colleague who doesn't know them and consistently apply IP rights in your work.


Carry out a valid and useful research project in your domain.

Share a summary of an interesting article you read with your colleages. Have a discussion with them about it. What can be applied from it to your work.

Publish your research.

Help others learn about concepts relevant to intellectual property.


Help others carry out a succesful research project.

Apply your research results to scholarly conversations in your domain.

Present your scholarly work to others.

Help others develop their professional writing and publishing skills by offering helpful feedback and mentoring.

Help others write publishable papers.

Manage copyright claims.