Adapt It 6.11.1 update now available

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Feature changes and new features in 6.11.1

  • The parser of input source text has been extensively revised. It’s more capable, and works well with a greater variety of novel (but correct) USFM markup structures.
  • The filtering and un-filtering (hiding and showing) of certain markers has been significantly revised. Previously, this function did not handle well situations where multiple adjacent markers were filtered, for example, when \ms (major section head), \mr (major sect head reference), \s (section head) and/or \r (parallel reference) were grouped together, which might typically occur at a new chapter (\c n) marker.
  • When a marker is filtered, the green caret that indicates filtered information is present, is now located on a previous source word/phrase rather than on a following source word/phrase.
  • In earlier versions, certain errors when parsing in source text, could crash the app. Now, Adapt It will put up a warning message dialog, saying where the data error occurs, and shows the input text for about 60 characters either side of where the error lies. You should take note of the information, and try to fix the relevant part of your input document in an external text editor, and then retry loading it in to Adapt It. Each time the warning message appears you will have the option of continuing to input the source file or to abort the input process, and stop the Adapt It program at a convenient time to edit the input source text. You may wish to continue parsing all the way to the end of the input file – although at the problem location(s) the parsed text will not look right in some way.
  • Sometimes users will have footnote data in which expected information after the \f is absent, or is absent preceding the ending \f* marker. When that is the case, Adapt It will automatically try to show ??? in such locations, to alert you that perhaps you might like to edit the footnote to put in correct text manually.
  • The Retranslation dialog has been revised to be much smaller and less cluttered to allow better ease of use and visibility of the text behind the dialog.
  • Changed the “Back” button in the toolbar to become a “Go To” button which presents the user with the small Go To dialog that previously was only available from the “Go To…” item on the Edit menu. The To Go dialog now is accessible via single click on the tool bar button, and it now has a “Go Back To:” button and a drop down list box making it easy to go back or forward to previous reference locations that were visited via the dialog. The Go Back To list is available for the currently open document.
  • The Print Preview pane is now expanded to the same size as Adapt It’s main window. Previously the Print Preview was too small especially if the compose box was open.
  • The View Filtered Material dialog (accessed by clicking on a green wedge mark in the text) now works more like the Note Dialog and disappears when the user clicks away from the dialog. Any changes made to the text of filtered material are automatically saved if they hadn’t been saved by explicitly clicking on the dialog’s OK button.
  • The Edit Source Text… menu item on the Edit menu no longer has an accelerator key but the Edit Source Text… menu item itself still functions, but it is disabled when Adapt It is collaborating with Paratext or Bibledit.
  • The Ctrl-Q accelerator (short-cut) key now functions on all platforms to Exit the application – the “Save Changes” prompt appears if any changes have not been saved.
  • The automatic expanding and contracting of the phrasebox when the user types, or or deletes, characters; has been improved. In older versions, this was clunky.
  • Added a “Please wait…” message when Adapt It communicates with Paratext/Bibledit for projects that are configured to collaborate with Parate4xt/Bibledit.
  • There is now a very light gray background shading that appears in the target line area under a source word/phrase that does not yet have a translation. This gray-shaded area can help a user see where to click to place the phrasebox at that location. It also will help point out the location of any “empty pile” which has no source word or phrase (an “empty pile” can occur when a source text was input and a USFM marker that normally has word content was encountered but there was no source word content associated with that marker).

Bug fixes in 6.11.1 update

  • Fixed a bug that wrongly filtered out some scripture text beyond a footnote end marker \f*, when “\f A footnote text item (basic)” is marked to be filtered out using the “USFM and Filtering” tab in the Edit Preferences dialog.
  • Fixed a crash that could happen in the Windows version when a user has opened a View Filtered Material dialog, and attempts to close the dialog window by clicking the x icon in the upper right corner of the dialog.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the Auto Correct function from working when editing a note within the Note dialog.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented a copied source word/phrase from “sticking” when the user judges that an auto-copied word/phrase into the phrase box needs no editing change, but just presses the Enter or Tab key at that location to move ahead in the text.

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