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Info updated: 2021-08-11
Paratext is a tool which allows you to input, edit, check and submit for publication a translation of the Scriptures.
The program enables the translator to input a first or revised draft of the text and check and review that draft against the biblical source texts and a selection of model translations and resource materials in electronic format. The UBS Translation Handbook Series complement and enhance the resources of the major Bible versions included with Paratext. The Handbooks are detailed commentaries providing exegetical, historical, cultural, and linguistic information on the books of the Bible. They are prepared primarily to assist Bible translators.
Translators and project co-ordinators can use a wide variety of checking tools in Paratext and related programs for checking the text for accuracy and consistency, in order to develop a ‘clean’ electronic database of their text. This one database of text can then serve as a basis for electronic typesetting or production of a range of different editions and formats in a variety of media.
Availability and Prerequisites
The Paratext program is a joint development project of the United Bible Societies and SIL International for use by their own Bible translation and publishing teams, as well as for the global Bible translation movement. Paratext is free for all, but privileges of use are granted in tiers. Users who are not recognized as being compliant with FOBAI standards for Bible translation will have access to a certain number of translation help resources. Many resources are licensed to users who do agree to the FOBAI standards.
Those same users may register projects and get access to the full features of Paratext in the Translation or Publishing Tiers. All users have access to the features in the Basic tier
Learn how to register at