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Extract Paratext Interlinear Glosses

The Windows drag and drop application called ExtractParatextInterlinearToExcel.exe will extract words and their glosses from the interlinear lexicon to a csv file that can be opened in Excel or LibreOffice Calc. For use with Paratext.


Pathway prepares dictionary and Scripture data in open document (odf), e-book (epub 2.0), portable document (pdf), TeX and J2ME (jar) formats. Print and electronic publications can be distributed on web sites, Android cell phones, and Java feature phones. Indirectly Pathway can be used for doc, docx, Kindle®, and Nook®. The epub format will also work on tablets using software for reading e-books.

Pathway installs as an add-on of FieldWorks and Paratext, or it can be launched in batch process.



The purpose of PrimerPro is to assist the literacy worker in the development of primers for a given language. The application performs these functions (and more):

  • It can suggest a teaching order of the graphemes based upon a word list or text data, using an algorithm which calculates their productivity.

  • It supports alphabets that contains consonants, vowels, tones and/or syllographs.

  • It can give a list of words containing any given grapheme from the word list or text data.

  • It can track "graphemes taught" ongoingly.

FLEx (FieldWorks Language Explorer)

FieldWorks consists of software tools that help you manage linguistic and cultural data. FieldWorks supports tasks ranging from the initial entry of collected data through to the preparation of data for publication, including:

  • dictionary development
  • interlinearization of texts
  • cultural records
  • bulk editing of many fields
  • morphological analysis


Toolbox is a data management and analysis tool for field linguists. It is primarily aimed at editing lexical data, and for parsing and interlinearizing text, but it can be used to manage virtually any kind of data.

If you have experience with the Field Linguist's Shoebox, you can think of Toolbox as an enhanced version of Shoebox with a new name. It is fully compatible with Shoebox. You can install Toolbox and use it just as you used Shoebox, with virtually no difference. Because Toolbox is an enhanced version of Shoebox, it is sometimes referred to as Shoebox/Toolbox.

Phonology Assistant 3

This program keeps track of phonetic data either typed directly in or drawn from one or more data sources (Toolbox, Fieldworks Language Explorer, Speech Analyzer files with transcriptions). If sound files are included in the source data, the user can listen to them directly in Phonology Assistant. PA has many analytical features, such as

  • Creates a phone inventory
  • Compares relative frequencies of phones
  • Computes syllable structures
  • Generates phonotactic charts for all combinations of positions, phones, or features
  • Finds minimal pairs
  • ...

Speech Analyzer

Speech Analyzer is a computer program for recording  and acoustic analysis of speech sounds. You can use it to do the following tasks:

  • Perform fundamental frequency, spectrographic and spectral analysis, and duration measurements.
  • Add phonemic, orthographic, tone, and gloss transcriptions to phonetic transcriptions in an interlinear format.
  • Perform ethnomusicological analysis of music recordings.
  • Use slowed playback, repeat loops and overlays to assist with perception and mimicry of sounds for language learning.

Lexique Pro

Lexique Pro provides a rich browsing experience for lexicons store in an SFM format such as MDF. No import is required (though there is some initial configuration). It also supports the new XML standard, LIFT (Lexicon Interchange FormaT). Lexique provides three kinds of output for distributing your dictionary: print, interactive CD, and website. See !


WeSay helps non-linguists build a dictionary in their own language. It has various ways to help native speakers to think of words in their language and enter some basic data about them. The program is customizable and task-oriented, giving the advisor the ability to turn on/off tasks as needed and as the user receives training for those tasks. WeSay uses a standard xml format, so data can be exchanged with linguist-oriented tools like FieldWorks. Team members can collaborate via USB flash drive, email, and via network connections.

IPA Help

This program is designed to help the user learn to recognize, transcribe, and produce the sounds of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA).