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Paratext is a tool designed to help produce quality translations from the point of view of both format and content. It is the primary tool of Bible Translators worldwide.


Introduction Bibledit is a multi-platform Bible editor, providing tools to the Bible translator.   Features
  • Native USFM text editor, several texts can be opened at once
  • Project notes editor
  • Chapter and book outline view
  • Resizeable and moveable windows
  • Easy application of styles
  • Styles editor
  • Selection and display of project notes by various parameters
  • Online help
  • Backup and restore
  • Import and export
  • Resources display
  • Spelling check
  • Simple or more advanced interface
  • ...

SILAS (Smart Interactive Layout Assistant for Scripture)

A Microsoft Word template to provide smarter and safer layout of RTF files exported from Paratext, Adapt It or Fieldworks Translation Editor.

FLEx (FieldWorks Language Explorer)

FieldWorks consists of software tools that help you manage linguistic and cultural data. FieldWorks supports tasks ranging from the initial entry of collected data through to the preparation of data for publication, including:
  • dictionary development
  • interlinearization of texts
  • cultural records
  • bulk editing of many fields
  • morphological analysis


Bible recording made easy. HearThis greatly simplifies the task of making an audio version of a translation. With HearThis, step through each verse or line of text and the speaker reads that portion. Integrates seamlessly with Paratext, but Scripture text can also come from a Text Release Bundle or from a multi-voice script exported from Glyssen. Note: An external microphone is essential for a good quality audio recording.    


A plugin for Paratext to aid in composing comprehension questions for testing a translation.


Dramatized Bible recording made easy. Glyssen helps you to produce a high-quality dramatized audio recording of Scripture. It’s like having a production assistant, guiding you step by step. It quickly identifies all the direct speech in the text and the biblical character who speaks each part. Then it walks you through the process of selecting a cast and assigning roles to the voice actors. Finally, it prepares a complete set of scripts to use in the recording process. It gives you the option to accept default recommendations or customize settings to better fit your project requirements.

PDF Booklet

PDF Booklet opens a PDF file and creates a new one that can be printed as a booklet.  It has many functions for manipulating the pages of a PDF file.  PDF Booklet can scale the pages so that they can be printed on a different page size. You can adjust the margins, add blank pages and print multiple booklets in one run. If you wish to create an A5 booklet that is printed on A4 paper and folded PDF Booklet can arrange the pages so that they are printed with the last and first page on the same sheet. It's simple then to fold and staple to produce a booklet.  However if you have a book, with many...