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FieldWorks consists of software tools that help you manage linguistic and cultural data. FieldWorks supports tasks ranging from the initial entry of collected data through to the preparation of data for publication, including:
- dictionary development
- interlinearization of texts
- cultural records
- bulk editing of many fields
- morphological analysis
This program keeps track of phonetic data either typed directly in or drawn from one or more data sources (Toolbox, Fieldworks Language Explorer, Speech Analyzer files with transcriptions). If sound files are included in the source data, the user can listen to them directly in Phonology Assistant. PA has many analytical features, such as
- Creates a phone inventory
- Compares relative frequencies of phones
- Computes syllable structures
- Generates phonotactic charts for all combinations of positions, phones, or features
- Finds minimal pairs and/or phones ...
Lexique Pro provides a rich browsing experience for lexicons store in an SFM format such as MDF. No import is required (though there is some initial configuration). It also supports the new XML standard, LIFT (Lexicon Interchange FormaT). Lexique provides three kinds of output for distributing your dictionary: print, interactive CD, and website. See !
A plugin for Paratext to aid in composing comprehension questions for testing a translation.
PDF Booklet opens a PDF file and creates a new one that can be printed as a booklet. It has many functions for manipulating the pages of a PDF file. PDF Booklet can scale the pages so that they can be printed on a different page size. You can adjust the margins, add blank pages and print multiple booklets in one run.
If you wish to create an A5 booklet that is printed on A4 paper and folded PDF Booklet can arrange the pages so that they are printed with the last and first page on the same sheet. It's simple then to fold and staple to produce a booklet. However if you have a book, with many...
If you work in Paratext and use the Project Interlinearizer to create a word for word back translation of your text, Paratext remembers that data, and how you parse words so that it can automatically supply the glosses as you go along. But where is all the data from your hard work? What if you want to use that data to start a dictionary in the language?
This app converts the internal Paratext lexicon file (lexicon.xml) to a SFM (Standard Format Marker) lexicon file. This is a simple utility to get the Paratext lexicon into a format that can be imported...
Kratylos is a facility to let researchers upload lexical and corpus datasets from FieldWorks, Praat, Elan and other software, and it lets researchers browse the results.