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Paratext is a tool designed to help produce quality translations from the point of view of both format and content. It is the primary tool of Bible Translators worldwide.
RTF2SFM converts a styled Word .RTF file to UTF8-encoded SFM. Unlike the old SF Converter package, RTF2SFM correctly handles Unicode characters.
RTF2SFM is part of the SIL::RTF Perl module that provides an event-driven parser for examining or processing RTF files. The program is supplied either as a Perl module (requiring Perl 5.8 or later) or as a standalone Windows .EXE file.
This add-on inserts linguistic examples into LibreOffice and Apache OpenOffice documents. It reads XML files from FieldWorks and Toolbox.
Other features include:
- Data Conversion using SIL Converters.
- Manage the list of grammatical abbreviations in a document.
- Practice learning different scripts by typing.
SUMMARY: (Text Encoding Conversion kit) A toolkit for converting plain-text files from one encoding to another (e.g. Legacy to Unicode).
DETAILS: TECkit is a low-level toolkit intended to be used by other applications that need to perform encoding conversions (e.g., when importing legacy data into a Unicode-based application). The primary component of the TECkit package is therefore a library that performs conversions; this is the "TECkit engine." The engine relies on mapping tables in a specific binary format (for which documentation is available); there is a compiler that creates such tables from a human-readable mapping description (a simple text file).
FieldWorks consists of software tools that help you manage linguistic and cultural data. FieldWorks supports tasks ranging from the initial entry of collected data through to the preparation of data for publication, including:
- dictionary development
- interlinearization of texts
- cultural records
- bulk editing of many fields
- morphological analysis
Lexique Pro provides a rich browsing experience for lexicons store in an SFM format such as MDF. No import is required (though there is some initial configuration). It also supports the new XML standard, LIFT (Lexicon Interchange FormaT). Lexique provides three kinds of output for distributing your dictionary: print, interactive CD, and website. See !
An interface making it possible to convert any file (e.g., SFM texts, lexicons, and Word documents) to a different encoding.
This package provides tools through which you can change the encoding, font, and/or script of text in Microsoft Word documents, XML documents, and SFM text and lexicon documents. It also installs a system-wide repository to manage your encoding converters and transliterators (TECkit, CC, ICU, Perl, or...
Utility that extracts the word forms, morphemes and their glosses from the lexicon.xml file generated by the project interlinearizer in Paratext and converts them into a Standard Format file that can then be imported into a Fieldworks database.
The glosses can be in more than one writing system, but the receiving Fieldworks project must already be configured for those writing sytems before the import is begun.
If the resulting SFM file is importing data into an Fieldworks database that already has data, then the possibility of having duplicate headwords is...