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Open Code

Info updated: 2019-07-24
Average: 4.6 (5 votes)

OpenCode 3.6 is a tool for coding qualitative data generated from text information such as interviews, observations or field notes. It has been developed to specifically follow the first steps of the Grounded Theory methodology. However, it can of course be used as a tool for classifying and sorting any kind of qualitative text information. The aim has been to create a self-instructive program that is easy to learn and easy to use. The main features of the program are to: • import text from any word-processing program • write memos • find words in text • assign codes to segments of the text • create and manage categories • search for codes and categories • print the results from any of the above functions The program is compatible with PC-systems and runs on Windows version 98 or later. It can be installed either from a CD or via the Internet. By default, the program is installed in its own program sub-directory under the name OpenCode. The software automatically creates a new folder, labeled My OpenCode Projects, for storing data under My Documents. The program language is English but the data/text and coding can be in any language. Before downloading Open Code 3.6 you must first install Microsoft Net Framework 2.0.

Support free, email author
Status Stable/Production
SIL Status Not evaluated
Runs on Windows
Unicode compatible Unknown
Features none listed
Interface language(s) English
Developed by
License Freeware (all uses)
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