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Error message

  • Warning : count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable dans element_children() (ligne 6723 dans /home/lingtransoftd7/public_html/includes/
  • Warning : Invalid argument supplied for foreach() dans element_children() (ligne 6727 dans /home/lingtransoftd7/public_html/includes/

Keyman Engine

Build a fully branded and customised desktop keyboarding product for your platform to fit the exact needs of your language, community or organization with the Keyman Engine. Or add a custom virtual keyboard to your existing application. 


Xender is a cross-platform file sharing app that allows you to share files across various platforms and devices. 

It has proved to be very useful to share apps created by the SIL App Builders (SAB, DAB, RAB) or Bloom without the need for a USB cable, computer, additonal software or an internet connection.