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Lexicography (creation of dictionaries) is a vast field with many specialties. This specialist competency involves disambiguation (removing any doubt about the classification and relationship) of data and importation into a modern lexicography program. This is often a non-trivial task when importing poorly structured or unstructured data. Once the data is clean, structured, and in an appropriate encoding, it can then be imported into a modern lexicography tool. Even this process does not always have expected results. Higher levels of competency may include scripting a conversion of "formatted" dictionaries using contextual and formatting cues.
Growth Activities
The following activities have been identified to achieve comptency in Lexical Import in levels from Learner to Expert.
Explore and use the relevant import/conversion tools for your entity. Import two simple lexical databases into appropriate Lexical software.
Import 5 lexical databases with some levels of complexity and messiness into appropriate lexical software.
Convert messy or "formatted" dictionaries (e.g., Word, PDF) into SFM and Import them into a modern tool.
Train LT or Linguistics Consultants on how to import their lexical data into FLEx.