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Kratylos is a facility to let researchers upload lexical and corpus datasets from FieldWorksPraatElan and other software, and it lets researchers browse the results.

Map Creator

Average: 5 (1 vote)

Map Creator simplifies the creation of language-specific maps, charts, and diagrams for Bible lessons and world geography.


  • 80 maps, charts, and diagrams for chronological Bible teaching and world geography
  • Powerful editing features
  • Create translatable maps, charts, diagrams, and timelines from your own images
  • Runs on Windows, Mac OS X, and the most popular distributions of Linux
  • User interface and predefined map content in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, and Indonesian

Reading App Builder

Average: 1 (1 vote)
Reading App Builder vous aide à créer des applications personnalisées pour les smartphones et tablettes Android et iOS. Vous pouvez l'utiliser pour créer des applications contenant des livres d'images, du matériel sur la santé et le développement communautaire, des livres de chansons, des histoires illustrées et des bibliothèques de livres faciles à lire pour les nouveaux lecteurs - chacun avec l'option de synchroniser le texte et l'audio, en soulignant chaque phrase à mesure de sa lecture.

Reading App Builder

Average: 5 (12 votes)

Reading App Builder helps you build customized apps for Android and iOS smartphones and tablets. You can use it to make apps containing picture books, health and community development materials, song books, illustrated stories and libraries of easy-to-read books for new readers – each with the option of synchronizing text and audio, highlighting each phrase as it is read. The app menus, icon, splash screen and colors can all be customized for your language and culture.

Simple Bible Reader Converter

Average: 4.6 (26 votes)

Simple Bible Reader / Converter is aimed to be simple, yet a powerful reader and converter to support and convert from/to all available bible formats. The software is developed with portability and fast loading in mind, and it doesn't have any dependencies on the user's system. Its goal is to bridge the gap between multiple Bible applications, so that a user can choose their favorite Bible software and import / export translations to be in any supported Bible format.

Scripture App Builder

Average: 1 (2 votes)

Scripture App Builder est un outil pour prendre du texte formaté comme les fichiers USFM de Paratext et les transformer en une application Android qui affichera le texte sur un téléphone ou une tablette Android. Si des fichiers audio existent, ils peuvent être intégrés dans l'application, de sorte que les mots correspondants dans le texte sont mis en surbrillance au fur et à mesure que l'audio joue.

Scripture App Builder

Average: 4.3 (11 votes)

Scripture App Builder is a tool for taking formatted text like USFM files from Paratext and making them into an Android app that will display the text on an Android phone or tablet. If audio files exist, they can be built into the app, so that as the audio plays, the corresponding words in the text are highlighted. If you use HearThis to record the audio for your Paratext project, incorporating the two together in an app is quite straightforward (HearThis automatically stores the timing information needed for the text-audio synchronization). 


Average: 5 (1 vote)

Bible recording made easy.

HearThis greatly simplifies the task of making an audio version of a translation. With HearThis, step through each verse or line of text and the speaker reads that portion. Integrates seamlessly with Paratext, but Scripture text can also come from a Text Release Bundle or from a multi-voice script exported from Glyssen. Note: An external microphone is essential for a good quality audio recording.




Average: 5 (3 votes)
Apprendre à lire demande des livres. Apprendre à bien lire, et développer l'amour de la lecture, demande beaucoup de livres, des livres à tous les niveaux de compétences. Mais comment les communautés linguistiques peu alphabétisées parviendront-elles jamais à obtenir tous ces livres dans leur langue ? Ils peuvent le faire avec Bloom. Bloom utilise des collections de "livres canevas" qui viennent avec plusieurs langues sources. Lisez ceux que vous comprenez, tapez une traduction dans votre langue, et c'est fini !


Average: 4.3 (8 votes)

Learning to read takes books. Learning to read well, and developing a love of reading, takes lots of books.  Books at all different skill levels. But how are low-literacy language communities ever to get all those books in their language?  They can do it with Bloom.

Bloom uses collections of "shell books" that come with multiple source languages. Read the ones you understand, type in a translation in your language, and you're done!