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What is Render? Render is an oral Bible translation software developed and tested by three partnering agencies: Seed Company, Pioneer Bible Translators and Faith Comes By Hearing. Translating with Render Render is a software that guides oral communicators in producing oral Scripture for their own language group. One or more (up to four) audio recordings are pre-loaded into Render to act as references for a new translation. A translator or translation team listens to the source languages, translates orally into the target language and records the new translation in Render. Stages in the...


Paratext is a tool designed to help produce quality translations from the point of view of both format and content. It is the primary tool of Bible Translators worldwide.

Scripture App Builder

Scripture App Builder is a tool for taking formatted text like USFM files from Paratext and making them into an Android app that will display the text on an Android phone or tablet. If audio files exist, they can be built into the app, so that as the audio plays, the corresponding words in the text are highlighted. If you use HearThis to record the audio for your Paratext project, incorporating the two together in an app is quite straightforward (HearThis automatically stores the timing information needed for the text-audio synchronization).  The resulting...


XeTeX based macro package for typesetting USFM formatted (Paratext output) scripture files Typesetting in minutes, not months PTXprint is a relatively new tool (still in active development) to help teams easily produce adequate quality printed output from Paratext for the purpose of trial publications. It aims to hide all the complexity of XeTeX from the user, and presents an extensive range of options through a simple click-to-enable user-interface. What does it do? Everything that Paratext's PrintDraft...


WordSend is a software project that allows you to convert Scripture files from Unicode USFM (and eventually from selected other formats) to other formats for the purpose of publishing those Scriptures in various print or electronic formats. Currently, the most useful transformation is the conversion of Unicode USFM to Microsoft Word XML documents (WordML) for the purpose of typesetting or printing for village checking. It is also possible to use WordSend to help facilitate using Microsoft Word 2003 or later as a Scripture editor in some cases.


SFM2Web is a Python3 program that converts materials encoded using SIL's Standard Format Marker format (see a very brief description here) into web pages. The program can convert a lexicon, interlinear texts, Bible books, a multilanguage phrasebook, and language lessons, etc. into xHTML pages with formatting determined by cascading stylesheets (CSS). These web pages may then be copied to a web server for publication to the Internet or to an intranet. But these aren't the only uses for the web pages. They can also be viewed on a local computer to view and/or check one's own work. Or they can be sent to a dictionary


Customarily we think of reading Scripture. How can the 60% of the world who are non-readers read Scripture in their language? If the Scripture is consultant checked, and in electronic form, and has a consistent quote system; Dramatizer can help. Dramatizer can help prepare the scripts for audio dramatized Scripture with multiple voices. Dramatizer will automatically mark who the speaker is for 95% of the parts spoken in the Bible. (My wife, Barbe, spent over a year identifying who the first level speaker is in the whole Bible—except for Psalms and Proverbs.) Then the translator (or person who...


Introduction Bibledit is a multi-platform Bible editor, providing tools to the Bible translator.   Features
  • Native USFM text editor, several texts can be opened at once
  • Project notes editor
  • Chapter and book outline view
  • Resizeable and moveable windows
  • Easy application of styles
  • Styles editor
  • Selection and display of project notes by various parameters
  • Online help
  • Backup and restore
  • Import and export
  • Resources display
  • Spelling check
  • Simple or more advanced interface
  • ...

SILAS (Smart Interactive Layout Assistant for Scripture)

A Microsoft Word template to provide smarter and safer layout of RTF files exported from Paratext, Adapt It or Fieldworks Translation Editor.


Bible recording made easy. HearThis greatly simplifies the task of making an audio version of a translation. With HearThis, step through each verse or line of text and the speaker reads that portion. Integrates seamlessly with Paratext, but Scripture text can also come from a Text Release Bundle or from a multi-voice script exported from Glyssen. Note: An external microphone is essential for a good quality audio recording.