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What is Render? Render is an oral Bible translation software developed and tested by three partnering agencies: Seed Company, Pioneer Bible Translators and Faith Comes By Hearing. Translating with Render Render is a software that guides oral communicators in producing oral Scripture for their own language group. One or more (up to four) audio recordings are pre-loaded into Render to act as references for a new translation. A translator or translation team listens to the source languages, translates orally into the target language and records the new translation in Render. Stages in the...


Paratext is a tool designed to help produce quality translations from the point of view of both format and content. It is the primary tool of Bible Translators worldwide.


Introduction Bibledit is a multi-platform Bible editor, providing tools to the Bible translator.   Features
  • Native USFM text editor, several texts can be opened at once
  • Project notes editor
  • Chapter and book outline view
  • Resizeable and moveable windows
  • Easy application of styles
  • Styles editor
  • Selection and display of project notes by various parameters
  • Online help
  • Backup and restore
  • Import and export
  • Resources display
  • Spelling check
  • Simple or more advanced interface
  • ...


A plugin for Paratext to aid in composing comprehension questions for testing a translation.