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SUMMARY: WorldPad is a text editor that can display text in complex scripts using Graphite.  It is an SIL product and is distributed as part of FieldWorks. DETAILS: WorldPad is a basic text editor whose main distinction is the ability to display text in complex scripts using Graphite, a programmable rendering engine particularly suited to complex minority scripts. WorldPad can also be used to work with text in simple "Roman" scripts. Some of WorldPad's text-editing features include multilingual text processing, named styles, right-to-left paragraph orientation, and mixed direction text flow...

Unicode Ccount

UnicodeCCount is a quick-and-dirty Unicode-aware replacement for Ccount, the character count utility. Written in Perl, the program is available both as the Perl source (requires Perl 5.8.1 or newer) and as a stand-alone Windows EXE.   As this program is distributed at no cost, the SIL individual who created it and upgrades it is unable to provide a commercial level of personal technical support. He is interested in hearing from users, however, and will try to resolve problems that are reported to him. You can send feedback to the author here.  

Google Input Tools

This utility is available either as a download for Windows (that integrates languages into the Windows language bar), or as a plugin for the Chrome browser. Permits typing in a variety of scripts, both Roman and non-Roman, and includes a visual keyboard and a predictive text toolbar, where it suggests words based on keys you have pressed. By my count, it looks like over 70 languages are supported, including Korean, Japanese, Chinese (simplified and traditional), Hindi, Punjabi, Malayalam, Arabic, Persia and others (this is not a complete list of all the non-Roman scripts).  


Webonary gives language groups the ability to put their bilingual or multilingual dictionaries on the web with a minimum of technical help. Each dictionary is built around a search bar, which looks for a word throughout the dictionary, and returns the most relevant results to the top of the list.

SILAS (Smart Interactive Layout Assistant for Scripture)

A Microsoft Word template to provide smarter and safer layout of RTF files exported from Paratext, Adapt It or Fieldworks Translation Editor.


Pathway prepares dictionary and Scripture data in open document (odf), e-book (epub 2.0), portable document (pdf), TeX and J2ME (jar) formats. Print and electronic publications can be distributed on web sites, Android cell phones, and Java feature phones. Indirectly Pathway can be used for doc, docx, Kindle®, and Nook®. The epub format will also work on tablets using software for reading e-books. Pathway installs as an add-on of FieldWorks and Paratext, or it can be launched in batch process. Features

FLEx (FieldWorks Language Explorer)

FieldWorks consists of software tools that help you manage linguistic and cultural data. FieldWorks supports tasks ranging from the initial entry of collected data through to the preparation of data for publication, including:
  • dictionary development
  • interlinearization of texts
  • cultural records
  • bulk editing of many fields
  • morphological analysis


Bible recording made easy. HearThis greatly simplifies the task of making an audio version of a translation. With HearThis, step through each verse or line of text and the speaker reads that portion. Integrates seamlessly with Paratext, but Scripture text can also come from a Text Release Bundle or from a multi-voice script exported from Glyssen. Note: An external microphone is essential for a good quality audio recording.    


A plugin for Paratext to aid in composing comprehension questions for testing a translation.


Dramatized Bible recording made easy. Glyssen helps you to produce a high-quality dramatized audio recording of Scripture. It’s like having a production assistant, guiding you step by step. It quickly identifies all the direct speech in the text and the biblical character who speaks each part. Then it walks you through the process of selecting a cast and assigning roles to the voice actors. Finally, it prepares a complete set of scripts to use in the recording process. It gives you the option to accept default recommendations or customize settings to better fit your project requirements.