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11 March 2020 - SILKin
If a SILK file becomes corrupted, or if the computer crashes, it has been possible to lose a lot (or all) of the data. SILKin 2.4 creates back-up copies of SILK files every time the User saves their file. It also makes interim back-ups during a work session at intervals selected by the User. If anything goes wrong while saving or opening a SILK file, SILKin automatically reverts to the most recent back-up copy.
11 March 2020 - SILKin
SILKin 2.2 has been “Internationalized.” All the text that appears on screen or in menus can be displayed in French or English. Users may select their preferred language from the Menu bar. If a third language option is desired, all that is needed is translation of (voluminous) text files into the new language.
28 February 2020 - Webonary

Online training materials for Dictionary-making and Lexicography

DLS has begun developing an online course to teach Dictionary-making and Lexicography principles. Fieldworks Language Explorer (FLEx) and are the featured applications for the training materials. Read Newsletter...
12 November 2019 - XLingPaper
On November 12, 2019, XMLmind sent the following email with links to its FAQ page for what to do to get the XMLmind XML Editor to run on Mac OS X Catalina: Hello, We have added this two FAQs for those who want to run XMLmind Software applications on macOS 10.15 Catalina before we officially support this operating system. These two new FAQs apply to any XMLmind Software application installed on macOS 10.15 Catalina using its .dmg distribution. — I have successfully downloaded and installed your... read more
08 November 2019 - XLingPaper
XLingPaper version 3.6.0 (for the XMLmind XML Editor version 7.2+ or 8.2+) and version 2.36.0 (for the XMLmind XML Editor version 5.3) are now available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. This new version of XLingPaper is a maintenance version, containing mostly bug fixes. If you have not previously installed XLingPaper, you can obtain an installation program for Windows, Mac or Linux at If you have already installed XLingPaper version 2.10.0 or higher... read more
29 October 2019 - XLingPaper
One XLingPaper user upgraded his Mac OS X to Catalina and discovered that the XMLmind XML Editor does not work with this new Mac OS. He could not navigate to open files, any linked/referenced files in a document were not found, and he could not produce a PDF, among other issues. So do not update to Catalina.
27 September 2019 - Webonary

ALT 2019

I had the opportunity to attend the 13th Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology at the University of Pavia, Italy on 4-6 September 2019 and was able to introduce many people to the resources and products SIL International makes available for language work. Read Newsletter...
26 August 2019 - FLExTrans

FLExTrans -- A Linguist-Friendly Machine Translation System for Low-Resource Languages

Low-resource languages have largely been left out of the machine translation revolution. Because of insufficient text data, the results of using statistical machine translation are subpar. FLExTrans is a transfer-based machine translation system that doesn't rely on lots of text... read more
07 June 2019 - FLExTrans

Edit Transfer Rules with XMLMind XML Editor (XXE)

This editor gives you a nice graphical interface for creating your transfer rules as shown in this example: Here's the steps you take to get it working: Install XXE. See instructions on this website. (This is the same editor used with XLingPaper) Start XMLMind and close it again. (This creates the addon folder needed below.) Extract the zip file read more
14 May 2019 - XLingPaper
XLingPaper version 3.5.0 (for the XMLmind XML Editor version 7.2+) and version 2.35.0 (for the XMLmind XML Editor version 5.3) are now available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. This new version of XLingPaper has a number of improvements and bug fixes. The main highlights are: Improve loading speed for object elements via CSS. Allow a refAuthorInitials element to contain langData, etc., elements. Add replacecolonwith attribute to citationLayout element to allow something other than a colon between... read more
28 March 2019 - Webonary
Publishing Interlinearized Texts Online Introducing* has provided a site for publishing interlinearized texts. "Kratylos is a facility to let researchers upload lexical and corpus datasets from FieldWorks, Praat, Elan and other software, and it lets researchers browse the results."* The researchers are happy for Webonary account holders to upload interlinearized texts to Kratylos and provide the link on their Webonary sites. You will need both a Webonary account and a... read more
21 March 2019 - Webonary
(March 2019) Senegal’s Gusilay people now have a dictionary, two years after an SIL-led Rapid Word Collection (RWC) workshop jump-started the project. Launched just a few days before the end of 2018, the dictionary for the 20,000-plus Gusilay people features 9,000 entries, and marks the first time the language’s words have been extensively collected, written down, analyzed and published. Read the full article at
16 November 2018 - XLingPaper
XLingPaper version 3.4.0 (for the XMLmind XML Editor version 7.2+) and version 2.34.0 (for the XMLmind XML Editor version 5.3) are now available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. This new version of XLingPaper has a number of improvements and bug fixes. The main highlights are: Allow multiple layout sets for langData items in the publisher style sheet (e.g., for phonetic and phonemic data) Add ability to include DOI information in references. Allow counter element in th elements. Add ability to... read more
29 September 2018 - Audacity

September 29th, 2018: Audacity 2.3.0 Released

Audacity 2.3.0 replaces all previous versions for Windows and macOS. (The current release for Linux is Audacity 2.2.2. Additional information on the Linux download page.) Many new features, and over 90 bugs fixed (since 2.2.2).   We are still compiling Audacity as 32-bit. Whilst MacOSX works with 32-bit, it would prefer a 64-bit version of Audacity.    We are working on a 64-bit version for Mac for 2.3.1.  On Windows you may find that... read more
  We are glad to announce that FieldWorks version 9.0.4 Beta is being released. The changes are listed below. FieldWorks 9.0 now has a 64-bit Windows version, a new installer, and fixes a lot of older bugs. The main features of this release are as follows:   Large project Improvements FieldWorks 9.0 introduces a 64-bit version of FieldWorks on Windows, which will allow FieldWorks to access more memory to help large projects. A 32-bit version is also available.... read more
20 August 2018 - Webonary
This newsletter features the Djimini Rapid Word Collection workshop in Côte d'Ivoire, reminders to install the latest versions of new releases of tools for dictionary-making, and updates on the number of dictionaries published. Read newsletter.
23 May 2018 - XLingPaper
While there was an issue with version 8.0 of the XMLmind XML Editor, it appears that version 8.1 works fine with XLingPaper.
23 May 2018 - XLingPaper
XLingPaper version 3.3.0 (for the XMLmind XML Editor version 7.2+) and version 2.33.0 (for the XMLmind XML Editor version 5.3) are now available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. This new version of XLingPaper has a number of improvements and bug fixes. The main highlights are: If you are qualified to use the Personal Edition of the XMLmind XML Editor, we now have one step installers which install version 7.6 of the XMLmind XML Editor as well as XLingPaper. Add ability to have two contents, one in... read more
  We are glad to announce that FieldWorks version 8.3.12 is being released. This version updates the language codes to match the ethnologue updates as opposed to version 8.3.11.   As of release 8.3.9, XP is no longer supported. This is due to some of the changes made so FLEx will work with Paratext 8.     FieldWorks for Windows will work with Paratext 8. FieldWorks for Linux will have to wait until version 9 to support Paratext 8. Most machines already have .Net 4.6.1 installed. But... read more
08 March 2018 - XLingPaper
As you may have learned, there is a new version of the XMLmind XML Editor (version 8.0.0). While it does load XLingPaper documents, it breaks the “Convert interlinear line to wrd elements” command (the Shift-F10 one). If you are keying interlinear text, this is an extremely useful command. XMLmind assures me that there will be a fix for this in version 8.1 of the XMLmind XML Editor. So please wait. If you have already upgraded and need this command, I recommend you uninstall version 8.0.0... read more