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29 January 2018 - XLingPaper
This is a maintenance bug fix release. The main bug fix is for the default XeLaTeX way of producing PDF. Version 3.2.0/2.32.0 fixed a problem whereby in some cases the table of contents would show ‘??’ for all pages. The fix for that included in that release could end up showing the wrong page number in some cases. This new release solves both problems: the page numbers will be correct. To get this fixed version, go to Here are the... read more
12 January 2018 - FLExTrans

Latest News: January 10, 2018 - FLExTrans 1.5 - Introducing the View Source/Target Apertium Text Tool

Introducing the View Source/Target Apertium Text Tool in FLExTrans 1.5. A tool to give a friendly view of the Apertium files. Also the Live Rule Tester tool is updated to use the friendly format. Previously if you wanted to check the output of the ExtractSourceText module, you had to understand the Apertium data stream format... read more
  We are glad to announce that FieldWorks version 8.3.11 is being released. This version fixes some serious problems we have seen with version 8.3.10.   As of release 8.3.9, XP is no longer supported. This is due to some of the changes made so FLEx will work with Paratext 8.     FieldWorks for Windows will work with Paratext 8. FieldWorks for Linux will have to wait until version 9 to support Paratext 8. Most machines already have .Net 4.6.1 installed. But, especially on Windows 8/8.... read more
06 December 2017 - Audacity

December 6th, 2017: Audacity 2.2.1 Released

Audacity 2.2.1 replaces all previous versions.

New in Audacity 2.2.1:

Major new features – see updated manual for details: Waveform colorways let you optionally change the color of the waveforms displayed in your project (thanks to James Crook)

Changed in Audacity 2.2.1:

Updated message translations for nineteen languages Several bugs/annoyances in 2.2.0 are now fixed, most importantly: Chains once again apply properly... read more
30 November 2017 - Audacity

Release Candidate 2 for Audacity 2.2.1 available

The Audacity user community is invited to test a new Release Candidate, now available for Windows, Mac and GNU/Linux. Please visit to download. The announcement for the previous release candidate for 2.2.1 is here. The improvements in Audacity 2.2.1 Release Candidate 2 over the previous are mostly in translations.  Languages with completely updated versions, or very nearly so, now include ... read more
25 November 2017 - Audacity

Release Candidate 1 for Audacity 2.2.1 available

The Audacity user community is invited to test a new Release Candidate, now available for Windows, Mac and GNU/Linux. Please visit to download. Version 2.2.1 will be mostly a minor bug-fixing release (most importantly for Chains), but also including a few features.  More details can be found here. Please note that release candidates are not intended for production work, but experienced... read more
22 November 2017 - Audacity
The Audacity user community is invited to test a new Release Candidate, now available for Windows, Mac and GNU/Linux. Please visit to download. The announcement for the previous release candidate for 2.2.1 is here. The improvements in Audacity 2.2.1 Release Candidate 2 over the previous are mostly in translations.  Languages with completely updated versions, or very nearly so, now include Arabic, Basque, Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, French, German... read more
22 November 2017 - Audacity
The Audacity user community is invited to test a new Release Candidate, now available for Windows, Mac and GNU/Linux. Please visit to download. Version 2.2.1 will be mostly a minor bug-fixing release (most importantly for Chains), but also including a few features.  More details can be found here. Please note that release candidates are not intended for production work, but experienced users are invited to help us uncover any problems.... read more
We are glad to announce that FieldWorks version 8.3.10 is being released. This version fixes some serious problems we have seen with version 8.3.9. As of release 8.3.9, XP is no longer supported. This is due to some of the changes made so FLEx will work with Paratext 8. FieldWorks for Windows will work with Paratext 8. FieldWorks for Linux will have to wait until version 9 to support Paratext 8. Most machines already have .Net 4.6.1 installed. But, especially on Windows 8/8.1, this may need... read more
09 November 2017 - XLingPaper
XLingPaper version 3.2.0 (for the XMLmind XML Editor version 7.2+) and version 2.32.0 (for the XMLmind XML Editor version 5.3) is now available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. This new version of XLingPaper has a number of improvements and bug fixes. The main highlights are: Add a way to insert bracketed constituents to a line in an interlinear. See section 5.3.7 “Inserting bracketed constituents” in the user documentation. Add ability to use asterisk in a footnote on a title; controlled by the... read more
02 November 2017 - Audacity

November 2nd, 2017: Audacity 2.2.0 Released

Audacity 2.2.0 replaces all previous versions.

New in Audacity 2.2.0:

Major new features – see updated manual for details: Four supplied user interface themes, and customizability of themes for advanced users (thanks to James Crook and the Dark Audacity project) Playback of MIDI files (fully automatic on Windows; requires cooperating software synthesizer programs on macOs or Linux; special thanks to Audacity co-founder Roger... read more
Microsoft has corrected the problems with version 1703, which have been around since last Spring. The fix was released October 17. Although you will be able to get the update by doing ‘Check for updates’ at some point, it might still be a couple of weeks. You can install the Fall Creator’s Update on your machine by going to Click ‘Update Now’. It will take about 2 hours. If you need to install this update on more than one PC, use... read more
  We are glad to announce that FieldWorks version 8.3.9 is being released. This version fixes some serious problems we have seen with version 8.3.8.   As of this release, XP is no longer supported. This is due to some of the changes made so FLEx will work with Paratext 8.     FieldWorks for Windows will work with Paratext 8. FieldWorks for Linux will have to wait until version 9 to support Paratext 8. Most machines already have .Net 4.6.1 installed. But, especially on Windows 8/8.1,... read more
14 July 2017 - XLingPaper
For anyone wondering why they might want to learn how to use XLingPaper, there is now a document outlining benefits for the author, the reader, and the publisher. It gives 36 reasons for the author, 12 reasons for the reader, and 19 reasons for the publisher. See Why Learn to Use XLingPaper.
10 June 2017 - XLingPaper
A new version of XLingPaper is now available. This minor update has several fixes and some enhancements: Improve Linux installers Add ability to have contents in the back matter instead of in the front matter. This is controlled by a publisher style sheet. Allow the presence of a contentsLayout element in a style sheet to be controlled by content control. This helps to let one have a single document where the content is in different languages and one can control whether the table of contents... read more
08 June 2017 - XLingPaper
Sebastian Nordhoff of Language Science Press ( says that they have a way now to receive XLingPaper XML documents and turn them into their LaTeX format. This is good news for any XLingPaper users who want to have their work published by Language Science Press.
The latest major Microsoft update for Windows 10, the Windows 10 Creators Update or the 1703 update will cause the FieldWorks program to crash and reduce the performance of the Paratext program (both versions 7 and 8), especially on slower computers. If you are using any of these programs, it is therefore best to avoid this update for the time being. This is a Microsoft bug and we have talked to them about the problem. There has been a lot of discussion about this in the FLEx list Google group... read more
10 May 2017 - XLingPaper
XLingPaper version 3.1.0 (for the XMLmind XML Editor version 7.2+) and version 2.31.0 (for the XMLmind XML Editor version 5.3) is now available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. This new version of XLingPaper has a number of improvements and bug fixes. The main highlights are: Improve the load time for the XMLmind XML Editor (especially with version 7.4+). Add ability to have more than one abstract: sometimes one needs them to be in two or more languages. Add ability to use content control for... read more
We are glad to announce that FieldWorks version 8.3.8 is now being released as stable. This version fixes the remaining problems we have seen with version 8.3. This version doesn’t work with Paratext 8.1. We plan to release 8.3.9 as soon as we can, which will support Paratext 8.1. Be aware that this version does contain a data model change relative to FW8.2.x. After upgrading to this version, the data will not open in any version prior to 8.3.2, so make a backup before upgrading.... read more
06 April 2017 - XLingPaper
As noted in a previous post, large documents could take a long time to load with version 7.2 (and 7.3) of the XMLmind XML Editor. There is good news: the recently released version 7.4 of the XMLmind XML Editor has greatly improved the load time for large documents. While version 7.3 took 13:30 minutes to load a large document, version 7.4 takes only about 20 seconds.