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Extract Paratext Interlinear Glosses

Info updated: 2021-08-11
Average: 1 (1 vote)

The Windows drag and drop application called ExtractParatextInterlinearToExcel.exe will extract words and their glosses from the interlinear lexicon to a csv file that can be opened in Excel or LibreOffice Calc.
To use, simply navigate to your "My Paratext Projects" folder and in the folder for the project you are glossing you will find a file called "Lexicon.xml". This is where Paratext stores the interlinear glosses for each word. Drag and drop this file on the ExtractParatextInterlinearToExcel.exe application and after a few seconds you will see a new file called "Lexicon.csv" in the same folder. Open this in Excel 2003 or later or LibreOffice Calc to see each word and its glosses.
If you want to import these words and glosses to ToolBox or FLEx, then you can use its sister program ExtractParatextInterlinearToSFM.exe to extract the words and glosses to standard format. It will create a file called "Lexicon.sfm".

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Status Stable/Production
SIL Status Not evaluated
Runs on Windows
Unicode compatible Yes
Interface language(s) English
Developed by
License Freeware (all uses)
Download page ExtractParatextInterlinearToExcel.exe, ExtractParatextInterlinearToSFM.exe