Performs consistent changes on data

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Un outil pour publier des fichiers MP3 sur des cartes SD.

Pourquoi utiliser Pub2SDwizard ?


Average: 5 (1 vote)

A tool for publishing MP3 files on SD cards.

Why use Pub2SDwizard?

Just copying your MP3 files on to an SD card is easy enough, but:

  • What order do you wish them to play in?

Discontinued! Glossinator for Paratext 7.5 or 8.x

Average: 2.5 (2 votes)

Glossinator provides a quick and easy way to look at the lexemes and the glosses that are entered in the Paratext interlinearizer. It functions as a companion to Paratext.

Paratext Lexicon Extraction Tool

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Utility that extracts the word forms, morphemes and their glosses from the lexicon.xml file generated by the project interlinearizer in Paratext and converts them into a Standard Format file that can then be imported into a Fieldworks database.

The glosses can be in more than one writing system, but the receiving Fieldworks project must already be configured for those writing sytems before the import is begun. 

Simple Bible Reader Converter

Average: 4.6 (25 votes)

Simple Bible Reader / Converter is aimed to be simple, yet a powerful reader and converter to support and convert from/to all available bible formats. The software is developed with portability and fast loading in mind, and it doesn't have any dependencies on the user's system. Its goal is to bridge the gap between multiple Bible applications, so that a user can choose their favorite Bible software and import / export translations to be in any supported Bible format.

Extract Paratext Interlinear Glosses

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The Windows drag and drop application called ExtractParatextInterlinearToExcel.exe will extract words and their glosses from the interlinear lexicon to a csv file that can be opened in Excel or LibreOffice Calc. For use with Paratext.

LibreOffice Linguistic Tools

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Cet add-on insère des exemples linguistiques dans les documents LibreOffice et Apache OpenOffice et lit les fichiers XML de FieldWorks et Toolbox.

D'autres caractéristiques incluent :
  • Conversion de données à l'aide de convertisseurs SIL.
  • Gérer la liste des abréviations grammaticales d'un document.
  • Entraînez-vous à apprendre différents scripts en dactylographiant.

    LibreOffice Linguistic Tools

    Average: 4.8 (5 votes)

    This add-on inserts linguistic examples into LibreOffice and Apache OpenOffice documents.  It reads XML files from FieldWorks and Toolbox.

    Other features include:

    • Data Conversion using SIL Converters.
    • Manage the list of grammatical abbreviations in a document.
    • Practice learning different scripts by typing.


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    Enregistrer les locuteurs des langues du monde entier est amusant et gratifiant, mais conserver tous les fichiers et métadonnées résultants organisés ? SayMore rend cette partie amusante aussi.


    Average: 4.2 (5 votes)

    Recording speakers of the world’s languages is fun and rewarding, but keeping all the resulting files and meta data organized?  SayMore makes that part fun, too.