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XLingPaper is a way to author and archive linguistic papers or books using XML. Many of us prefer writing XLingPaper files with the XMLmind XML Editor. It makes writing XML much easier than other XML-oriented editors we've used.
This project contains not only the XLingPaper files, but also the configuration files for using XLingPaper with the XMLmind XML Editor.
The listed interface languages are for the XMLmind XML Editor. The XLingPaper-specific dialogs and prompts
...This add-on inserts linguistic examples into LibreOffice and Apache OpenOffice documents. It reads XML files from FieldWorks and Toolbox.
Other features include:
- Data Conversion using SIL Converters.
- Manage the list of grammatical abbreviations in a document.
- Practice learning different scripts by typing.
Parser and Writer for Syntax
The Parser And Writer for Syntax Starter Kit is affectionately also called PAWS.
As the name of the starter kit indicates, the Parser and Writer for Syntax (PAWS) has two purposes and four outputs:
- The Writer produces a rough draft of a grammar of the syntax of your language, based on the answers to the questions in each section of PAWS. This output file is in XLingPaper xml format. (See ...
FieldWorks consists of software tools that help you manage linguistic and cultural data. FieldWorks supports tasks ranging from the initial entry of collected data through to the preparation of data for publication, including:
- dictionary development
- interlinearization of texts
- cultural records
- bulk editing of many fields
- morphological analysis
Toolbox is a data management and analysis tool for field linguists. It is primarily aimed at editing lexical data, and for parsing and interlinearizing text, but it can be used to manage virtually any kind of data.
If you have experience with the Field Linguist's Shoebox, you can think of Toolbox as an enhanced version of Shoebox with a new name. It is fully compatible with Shoebox. You can install Toolbox and use it just as you used Shoebox, with virtually no difference. Because Toolbox is an enhanced version of Shoebox, it is sometimes referred to as Shoebox/Toolbox.
Lexique Pro provides a rich browsing experience for lexicons store in an SFM format such as MDF. No import is required (though there is some initial configuration). It also supports the new XML standard, LIFT (Lexicon Interchange FormaT). Lexique provides three kinds of output for distributing your dictionary: print, interactive CD, and website. See !
Builds a customized app from dictionary data for Android tablets and smartphones. You can take a lexicon or dictionary from FLEx or WESay or Lexique Pro, and build it into an app. The app contains all the data, it does not require internet access to work.
The app can contain pictures and audio links, and can permit searching and browsing for words.
Apps produced by Dictionary App Builder can be distributed via BlueTooth or microSD cards, or uploaded to an app store.