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Scribus - Open Source Desktop Publishing

Scribus is an Open Source program that brings award-winning professional page layout to Linux/UNIX, Mac OS X, OS/2 Warp 4/eComStation and Windows desktops with a combination of "press-ready" output and new approaches to page layout. Underneath the modern and user friendly interface, Scribus supports professional publishing features, such as CMYK color, separations, Spot Colors, ICC color management and versatile PDF creation.

GAFAWS Position Analyzer

No longer found on web:   The GAFAWS Position Analyzer uses the algorithms documented in Joseph Grime's Paradigm book.  It can take a list of words broken into their affixes and produce an affix position chart.  The input can be a text file, from FieldWorks (version 6.0 or version 7.0), or an AMPLE ANA output file.

FieldWorks Data Notebook

In the FieldWorks suite of applications, Data Notebook was the first major product released, and it's probably the most polished. DN and FLEx have a similar look and feel, but DN is simpler (fewer "moving parts"). As you experience various cultural events, you may want to jot down some notes on paper, but even so you should type up the event as soon as possible so that when you or someone else reads it much later, it will make sense. You should probably also mark the event write-up in DN with metadata and all relevant OCM codes before considering the write-up to be complete.


SFM2Web is a Python3 program that converts materials encoded using SIL's Standard Format Marker format (see a very brief description here) into web pages. The program can convert a lexicon, interlinear texts, Bible books, a multilanguage phrasebook, and language lessons, etc. into xHTML pages with formatting determined by cascading stylesheets (CSS). These web pages may then be copied to a web server for publication to the Internet or to an intranet. But these aren't the only uses for the web pages. They can also be viewed on a local computer to view and/or check one's own work. Or they can be sent to a dictionary


MacSHAPA is a Macintosh-based software tool for performing video analysis and for applying a range of sequential data analysis techniques to the results. It is distributed free of charge to interested researchers.  MacSHAPA is no longer directly supported. However, some questions can be answered by members of the original development team. Contact [email protected] in the first instance.

TAMS Analyzer

TAMS stands for Text Analysis Markup System. It is a convention for identifying themes in texts (web pages, interviews, field notes). It was designed for use in ethnographic and discourse research. TAMS Analyzer is a program that works with TAMS to let you assign ethnographic codes to passages of a text just by selecting the relevant text and double clicking the name of the code on a list. It then allows you to extract, analyze, and save coded information. TAMS Analyzer is open source; it is released under GPL v2. The Macintosh version of the program also includes full support for transcription (back space, insert time code, jump to time code, etc.) when working with data on sound files.


Transana is software for professional researchers who want to analyze digital video or audio data. Transana lets you analyze and manage your data in very sophisticated ways. Transcribe it, identify analytically interesting clips, assign keywords to clips, arrange and rearrange clips, create complex collections of interrelated clips, explore relationships between applied keywords, and share your analysis with colleagues. The result is a new way to focus on your data, and a new way to manage large collections of video and audio files and clips.


 The website says this is an old program and may not work on modern operating systems. The page has a download link and an activation code for it. C-I-SAID (Code-A-Text Integrated System for the Analysis of Interviews and Dialogues) is "a very powerful system for studying documents which integrates qualitative and quantitative methods. The source documents can be text or questionnaires, audio or video."   C-I-SAID offers a set of unique features which allow the depth of analysis normally associated with a programme dedicated to qualitative analysis, within an analytic framework which is...


Dedoose is a Rich Internet Application (RIA), and runs on any computer that has a web-browser.  There is no software to download. Dedoose was designed from the ground up—by researchers, for researchers—to meet the needs of today’s social scientists working in academia, marketing, and education—virtually anyone looking for innovative software to facilitate the search for answers to research questions via qualitative or qualitative and quantitative data. These data may be numbers, scale scores, demographics, stories, fieldnotes, vignettes, interview or focus group transcripts,...


This is a program that enables an anthropological researcher to produce an ethnograph, hence its name.  The program website summarizes its role this way: Collect Data  + Code Data  + Write Memos + Analysis =  Ethnograph