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A part-of-speech tagger based on PC-KIMMO.

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KTEXT reads a text from a disk file, parses each word using the PC-KIMMO parser, and writes the results to a new disk file. This new file is in the form of a structured text file where each word of the original text is represented as a database record composed of several fields. Each word record contains a field for the original word, a field for the underlying or lexical form of the word, and a field for the gloss string.

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MacAutoFormat is a text formatting program which converts Standard Format text files to RTF format. These resulting files then automatically format when opened in a program with an RTF converter such as Microsoft Word.

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Parser and Writer for Syntax Starter Kit

Parser and Writer for Syntax

The Parser And Writer for Syntax Starter Kit is affectionately also called PAWS.

As the name of the starter kit indicates, the Parser and Writer for Syntax (PAWS) has two purposes and four outputs:

  • The Writer produces a rough draft of a grammar of the syntax of your language, based on the answers to the questions in each section of PAWS. This output file is in XLingPaper xml format. (See
  • ...


An audio editor that runs on all major platforms. It is oriented more toward music than phonetics and has only limited analysis tools. However, it can do noise reduction and has some useful editing tools, including the ability to modify individual samples and to change the amplitude envelope.


SILKin is software designed to facilitate collection, analysis, and reporting of kinship terminologies. The program graphically displays genealogical structures and intelligently supports development of term definitions.


Webonary gives language groups the ability to put their bilingual or multilingual dictionaries on the web with a minimum of technical help. Each dictionary is built around a search bar, which looks for a word throughout the dictionary, and returns the most relevant results to the top of the list.

SynPhony Community Edition

Synphony Community Edition is public domain software that assists in sequencing literacy training using intelligent analysis of wordlists in any language. SynPhony CE provides a user-friendly interface to help literacy teachers find teachable words to present to learners based on the letters that students already know. 


ELAN is a professional tool for the creation of complex annotations(e.g. sentence, word or gloss,  comment, or translation) on video and audio resources.


Quizlet is a website that lets you create flashcard type quizzes, and then quizzes you on them. It maintains statistics on what you've answered correctly, and can test you in a variety of ways, such as how many can you get correct in a fixed time, 

Requires creating an account, you can create a profile on the site, or use a Google or Facebook account to authenticate.

A basic account is free, letting you create text based quizzes. The site accepts Unicode input. A $15 per year subscription (Quizlet Plus) lets you record audio and upload pictures, a $25 subscription (Quizlet Teacher) allows audio and pictures, lets you create quizzes for your students, and see how they do on them. Subscribing also hides the ads on the site.