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Learning to read takes books. Learning to read well, and developing a love of reading, takes lots of books.  Books at all different skill levels. But how are low-literacy language communities ever to get all those books in their language?  They can do it with Bloom.

Bloom uses collections of "shell books" that come with multiple source languages. Read the ones you understand, type in a translation in your language, and you're done!


Paratext is a tool designed to help produce quality translations from the point of view of both format and content. It is the primary tool of Bible Translators worldwide.


Pathway prepares dictionary and Scripture data in open document (odf), e-book (epub 2.0), portable document (pdf), TeX and J2ME (jar) formats. Print and electronic publications can be distributed on web sites, Android cell phones, and Java feature phones. Indirectly Pathway can be used for doc, docx, Kindle®, and Nook®. The epub format will also work on tablets using software for reading e-books.

Pathway installs as an add-on of FieldWorks and Paratext, or it can be launched in batch process.


PDF Booklet

PDF Booklet opens a PDF file and creates a new one that can be printed as a booklet.  It has many functions for manipulating the pages of a PDF file.  PDF Booklet can scale the pages so that they can be printed on a different page size. You can adjust the margins, add blank pages and print multiple booklets in one run.

If you wish to create an A5 booklet that is printed on A4 paper and folded PDF Booklet can arrange the pages so that they are printed with the last and first page on the same sheet. It's simple then to fold and staple to produce a booklet.  However if you have a book...