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Paratext Lexicon Extraction Tool

Utility that extracts the word forms, morphemes and their glosses from the lexicon.xml file generated by the project interlinearizer in Paratext and converts them into a Standard Format file that can then be imported into a Fieldworks database.

The glosses can be in more than one writing system, but the receiving Fieldworks project must already be configured for those writing sytems before the import is begun. 

If the resulting SFM file is importing data into an Fieldworks database that already has data, then the possibility of having...

SooSL for sign language dictionaries

Can create and manage video files and written annotations for a sign language dictionary. Signs can be indexed according to sign structure, hand configurations, general movement parameters, and non-manual signs so they can be searched for. Signs can also be searched for by written language strings. Written annotations can be added in several different languages. Also other video files for sign language annotations and comments can be added to the entries.

Video, images and text can explain what a sign means and why it was chosen. 

In beta, not yet released, but it is...

Language Forge

A web-based tool for collaborative dictionary making where any number of people could contribute. Access to editing and revising content can be restricted to specified users, but the larger community could interact and make suggestions. The data can be synced with FieldWorks. Audio input can be added to the dictionary. 


A tool for publishing dictionaries (bilingual or multilingual) on the web with a minimum amount of technical skill. 

Webonary includes the ability to set up Google analytics to track how many people visit your dictionary.


If you work in Paratext and use the Project Interlinearizer to create a word for word back translation of your text, Paratext remembers that data, and how you parse words so that it can automatically supply the glosses as you go along.  But where is all the data from your hard work?  What if you want to use that data to start a dictionary in the language?

This app converts the internal Paratext lexicon file (lexicon.xml) to a SFM (Standard Format Marker) lexicon file.  This is a simple utility to get the Paratext lexicon into a format that can be...