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Learning to read takes books. Learning to read well, and developing a love of reading, takes lots of books.  Books at all different skill levels. But how are low-literacy language communities ever to get all those books in their language?  They can do it with Bloom.

Bloom uses collections of "shell books" that come with multiple source languages. Read the ones you understand, type in a translation in your language, and you're done!


Paratext is a tool designed to help produce quality translations from the point of view of both format and content. It is the primary tool of Bible Translators worldwide.


XeTeX based macro package for typesetting USFM formatted (Paratext output) scripture files

Typesetting in minutes, not months

PTXprint is a relatively new tool (still in active development) to help teams easily produce adequate quality printed output from Paratext for the purpose of trial publications. It aims to hide all the complexity of XeTeX from the user, and presents an extensive range of options through a simple click-to-enable user-interface....