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OpenCode 3.6 is a tool for coding qualitative data generated from text information such as interviews, observations or field notes. It has been developed to specifically follow the first steps of the Grounded Theory methodology. However, it can of course be used as a tool for classifying and sorting any kind of qualitative text information. The aim has been to create a self-instructive program that is easy to learn and easy to use.
The main features of the program are to:
• import text from any word-processing program
• write memos
• find words in text
This add-on inserts linguistic examples into LibreOffice and Apache OpenOffice documents. It reads XML files from FieldWorks and Toolbox.
Other features include:
- Data Conversion using SIL Converters.
- Manage the list of grammatical abbreviations in a document.
- Practice learning different scripts by typing.
No longer available. The company, Transparent Language, offers a commercial service for language learning that is available through some libraries and academic institutions, or by an individual subscription.
Customarily we think of reading Scripture. How can the 60% of the world who are non-readers read Scripture in their language? If the Scripture is consultant checked, and in electronic form, and has a consistent quote system; Dramatizer can help. Dramatizer can help prepare the scripts for audio dramatized Scripture with multiple voices.
Dramatizer will automatically mark who the speaker is for 95% of the parts spoken in the Bible. (My wife, Barbe, spent over a year identifying who the first level speaker is in the whole Bible—except for Psalms and Proverbs.) Then the translator (or...
PdfDroplet is a free, simple little tool which only does one thing: it takes your PDF and gives you a new one, with the pages combined and reordered, ready for saving & printing as booklets.
With PdfDroplet, you can make several booklet these types:
- Fold booklets
- Calendar fold
- Cut & stack
PdfDroplet requires that Adobe Reader be installed.
PcPatr Browser
This tool makes it much easier to see the results of syntactic parses produced by the PC-PATR program ( For each sentence, it shows the interlinear result and the syntactic tree. When one clicks on a node in the tree, it also shows the features at that node and the rule in the PC-PATR grammar file.
It is a .Net version 2.0 program so it requires a Windows operating system that has .Net version 2.0 or higher installed on it.
A basic need to do any language work on the computer is a font that will display the needed characters. Fonts that come with your operating system may have a certain number of characters already, but the SIL fonts frequently have a wider variety of characters.
The Latin/Cyrillic fonts differ mostly in the typeface. Charis, Doulos and Gentium are serif fonts. Andika is a sans-serif typeface designed for new readers with easily distinguished letter forms.
Bibledit is a multi-platform Bible editor, providing tools to the Bible translator.
- Native USFM text editor, several texts can be opened at once
- Project notes editor
- Chapter and book outline view
- Resizeable and moveable windows
- Easy application of styles
- Styles editor
- Selection and display of project notes by various parameters
- Online help
- Backup and restore
- Import and export
- Resources display
- Spelling check ...
SUMMARY: (Text Encoding Conversion kit) A toolkit for converting plain-text files from one encoding to another (e.g. Legacy to Unicode).
DETAILS: TECkit is a low-level toolkit intended to be used by other applications that need to perform encoding conversions (e.g., when importing legacy data into a Unicode-based application). The primary component of the TECkit package is therefore a library that performs conversions; this is the "TECkit engine." The engine relies on mapping tables in a specific binary format (for which documentation is available); there is a compiler that creates such tables from a human-readable mapping description (a simple text file).
SUMMARY: WorldPad is a text editor that can display text in complex scripts using Graphite. It is an SIL product and is distributed as part of FieldWorks.
DETAILS: WorldPad is a basic text editor whose main distinction is the ability to display text in complex scripts using Graphite, a programmable rendering engine particularly suited to complex minority scripts. WorldPad can also be used to work with text in simple "Roman" scripts. Some of WorldPad's text-editing features include multilingual text processing, named styles, right-to-left paragraph...